predestination vs free will

Predestination vs Free Will

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predestination vs free will: drop the predestined

In the contemporary world, discussions surrounding the age-old debate of predestination vs free will abound. Do we truly comprehend these dimensions, and have we crafted a distinction between the predestined and free aspects within ourselves?

Two Dimensions

Predestination vs free will is a complex dichotomy that permeates our existence. Within us, two dimensions operate seamlessly – our physical and psychological structure, and an intelligence that experiences these structures. Some refer to it as the soul, others as consciousness or even God. I prefer to simply call it life.

The Information Bound Dimension

Our mind-body constitutes a compendium of information, comprising genetics, DNA, and conscious and subconscious memory. This information acts like software, governing every facet of our existence, from thoughts to physical actions. The mind-body, in essence, is the seat of the predestined dimension.

predestination vs free will
Ruled By Time And Planets

This amalgamation of mind and body is inherently time-bound. When we say “his time was over” at someone’s demise, we acknowledge the temporal nature of our existence. Furthermore, time, with its cyclical nature, engenders repetitive thoughts and actions, ensnaring us in a loop. Simply put, if we remain stuck in information, our lives are dictated by time and planets, rather than our intelligence. (Read more about astrology)

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The Free Dimension

Despite the pervasive influence of this information, an intelligence persists within us – what I identify as life. This life is devoid of informational intelligence, resembling a presence filled with nothingness. It represents the authentic core of our being. However, a misidentification occurs, leading this life to wrongly associate itself with the mind-body. Consequently, compulsive thinking and actions become our constant companions the moment our identity becomes information.

To truly exercise free will, it becomes imperative to relinquish the shackles of the information-bound dimension. Liberation involves rising as a pure embodiment of life, unencumbered by the constraints of predestined thought patterns and actions. (Read: Freedom of choice)

Separation Of Two Dimensions

Predestination vs free will encapsulates this struggle between the deterministic nature of our mind-body and the liberating essence of life. The mind-body, laden with information, holds us captive in the temporal sphere. Free will, on the other hand, beckons us to transcend this bondage. It urges us to tap into the pure, unadulterated life that exists beyond the constraints of time.

Acknowledging the coexistence of these dimensions within ourselves is pivotal. The mind-body serves as the canvas upon which life paints its experiences. Yet, it is crucial to recognize that life, stands apart from the intricate tapestry of information that envelops our consciousness.

predestination vs free will
Image Source: Wikimedia Commons
Make Your Choice

In navigating the terrain of predestination vs free will, we find ourselves at a crossroads. Do we succumb to the deterministic nature of our information-laden mind-body, or do we evolve beyond information? The choice, it seems, lies within our grasp.

To truly fathom the intricacies of predestination vs free will, one must embark on a journey of self-discovery. Peel away the layers of information that cloak your authentic self, and you might just find a profound liberation. The struggle between predestination vs free will is not merely a philosophical discourse. Rather, it is a lived experience that unfolds within the recesses of our being.


In conclusion, the debate of predestination vs free will underscores the eternal quest for understanding the multifaceted dimensions within us. Striking a balance between the mind-body and life is the key to unlocking the true potential of free will.


Yes, however to exercise free will, we must be willing to drop the compulsive dimension. Due to our past actions, accordingly we get this mind-body, which makes us dance to its tunes. To reclaim our free-will we must dis-identify from our mind-body, and experience ourselves a pure soul.

God never interferes with anything, but have given us the freedom to do what we want. However, we are bound to the consequence of our actions which robs us from our free will. To reclaim it, devotion to god is the supreme means which takes us beyond the ill-effects of our past actions.

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