Mind And Beyond

Kundalini Shakti

kundalini shakti: a rise of "our" fall

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Kundalini Shakti, a dormant energy within each of us, holds the key to unlocking profound spiritual experiences. This article explores the intricacies of Kundalini Awakening, the disconnect from sensory perception, and the transformative journey within. And how something rises within us, when “we” fall!

The Mechanics Behind Kundalini


In the heart of our being lies the “sushumna nadi,” the channel through which Kundalini Shakti rises. This dormant energy awakens when the sun and moon channels find equilibrium. Balancing these channels becomes pivotal in initiating the awakening process.

The Disconnect: Sensory Perception and Kundalini Awakening

Our senses, by default, are outward-bound, offering only a glimpse of the external world. To tap into the reservoir of Kundalini Shakti, disconnecting from sensory perception is imperative. This disconnect serves as a gateway to exploring the uncharted realms of our inner world. To hit the spiritual relan, the physical perception needs to be lost! (Read More)

kundalini shakti
Image Source: Wikimedia Commons
Exploring the Inner World

The external senses, while essential for survival, fall short in providing a taste of our profound inner world. Disconnecting from these senses becomes a prerequisite for self-discovery, leading to a deeper understanding of our true nature.

kundalini shakti
Image Source: Wikimedia Commons
Losing Individuality: A Path to Nothingness

As we detach from our senses, a transformative journey unfolds. The loss of track of individuality and the external world paves the way to a state of nothingness. In this state, a vacuum is created—a crucial element in the rise of Kundalini Shakti. (Leanr more about losing yourself)

The Vacuum Effect and Kundalini Shakti

The vacuum generated in the state of nothingness acts as a catalyst for Kundalini Shakti. It creates the ideal conditions for this dormant energy to ascend, bringing about a spiritual metamorphosis. It’s a delicate dance between emptiness and potential.

Kundalini Awakening is not a hasty process, nor can it be forced. It is a natural consequence of dropping our false identifications and embracing the ebb and flow of our spiritual evolution. Patience becomes a virtue on this profound journey.

Understanding the Timeframe

Dispelling myths about the instantaneous nature of Kundalini Awakening is crucial. The timeframe varies for each individual, emphasizing the need for a patient and organic approach. It’s a journey that unfolds at its own pace. The only thing we can speed up is: losing ourselves!

The Journey Within: A Spiritual Perspective

In a world focused on external achievements, Kundalini Awakening invites a shift from the outward to the inward. Embracing the spiritual journey becomes a transformative choice, fostering a deeper connection with our true selves.

Challenges are an inevitable part of the Kundalini Awakening journey. From emotional upheavals to physical sensations, understanding and navigating these obstacles are integral to the transformative process. Seeking guidance and support can make the path more navigable.

The Role of Meditation and Yoga

Meditation and yoga serve as powerful tools on the path to Kundalini Awakening. These practices not only aid inner balance but also create a conducive environment for the rise of Kundalini Shakti. They act as companions on the spiritual journey within. However, any spiritual progress happens, when we lost our physicality (learn more)


In conclusion, Kundalini Awakening is a deeply personal and transformative journey. As we navigate the intricacies of the inner world, we unlock the dormant energy within. Embrace the journey, for in the exploration of the self, true liberation awaits. Kundalini Shakti rises, when “we” fall.


Kundalini awakening cannot be forced, nor we can make it happen. Kundalini awakening is a spiritual happening, which happens automatically when we drop our false identity with the body-mind. This requires intense sadhana, and happens when grace descends.

Meditation and yoga is a must if one wants to awaken their kundalini. However, we should also acknowledge that meditation cannot be done, rather it happens when “we” cease to exist in our experience. This creates a vacuum within us, which helps in kundalini awakening.

The most common challenge in kundalini awakening is creating a vacuum of nothingness within. Because we remain so identified with our mind and thoughts, that it becomes impossible to stop our thoughts. Only when we dis-identify from our mind, we reach a state of nothingness, which helps in kundalini awakening.

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