Divine Consciousness
Divine Consciousness: Don't Gain, But Lose.
Nowadays, the term “divine consciousness” has emerged as a topic of consideration and inquiry. Nonetheless, it is vital to recognize that there is nothing called “divine consciousness.“ Instead, what exists is, simply consciousness. The concept of divine consciousness, , is a western concept, and often misguides.
The False Term
If truth be told, there is nothing called as divine consciousness. Rather, there is simply consciousness. The question to be asked is, if we are consciousness, then what are we conscious of? Have we experienced our existence beyond physicality?
Awareness of Our Limited Self
The crux lies in our awareness – are we conscious of our limited personality, or have we transcended it? Often, our consciousness is clouded by the identification with our individuality, leading to separation from the broader universal consciousness. (Read: How old is god?)

The Misidentification of Consciousness
In essence, we are consciousness, or awareness, yet we may not always feel this way. The origin of this lies in the misidentification of consciousness with the mind and body. This wrong identity causes us to see ourselves as limited, tied to the boundaries of our physical existence.
Viewing the Body as a Prison
To overcome this misidentification, it is necessary to alter our perspective regarding our physical structure. When we start viewing our body as a prison, we pave the way to attaining a more profound form of awareness. Only a person who has become conscious of this trap, would drop it. Or, if life has knocked one down enough times, does one surrenders. (Read: How to be happy alone)

Practicality of Attaining Life Consciousness
While the notion of attaining life consciousness might seem alluring, it actually is impractical. Instead, we must focus on dropping the baggage we carry – our mind and body, which hinder our true conscious experience. Aiming for the “I,” that keeps us away from our true identity to become divine, we rather need to drop that “I.” If in our experience, we know nothing beyond the mind/body, then our aim shouldn’t be to gain, but lose.

Dropping What We Are Not: Mind and Body
To embark on the journey of transcending the limited self, we must let go of what we are not. The mind and body are information-bound limitations that serve as vehicles for our conscious experience. And it is consciousness within, using the mind/body as its vehicles.
Understanding the Limitations of Mind and Body
To release these limitations, we must first understand that the mind and body are information-bound. It is information in the form of genes and DNA that creates our distinct physical and psychological structure. Further, when we become too much of an individual, we lose our existence as consciousness there and then. This process clouds our perception of the broader consciousness that unites us all.
Don’t Gain, But Lose
The concept of divine consciousness revolves around reaching a higher state of being or connecting with a divine entity. While these aspirations are admirable, it is crucial to realize that consciousness cannot be attained, because it is always there. It is an inherent aspect of our existence, always present, waiting to be recognized. Rather, we our focus should be lose the limited dimension: the “I” thought.
Our journey towards understanding and being consciousness begins with a change in our perception. We should recognize that the ego-driven personality, the mind and the body, is not our real self. It is the limited construct that we have built, shaped by our experiences and conditioning. So this process more about shedding what we are not! (Read: What is devotion)

Letting Go
When we identify our body as a trap, a temporary abode for our consciousness, we can start the process of letting go. This process is not about abandoning these elements but recognizing their rightful place in the grand scheme of consciousness.
As we release the grip of the mind and body on our perception of self, we unveil the pure consciousness. This is not a dramatic transformation; rather, it is a subtle, ongoing process of shedding layers of misidentification.
Easy, Yet Tough
It is important to note that this path is not devoid of challenges. The mind, often exert a strong pull on our consciousness. However, this is the easiest thing to do, as we just need to give up. But also is the toughest, because giving up is scary.
In the end, the notion of divine consciousness, as a distinct entity, becomes irrelevant. What we eventually seek out is a tuneful alliance with the universal consciousness, transcending the ego and its limitations.
Consciousness is the essence of our being, always present, but often overshadowed by our identification with the mind and body. To attain a more profound awareness, we must shift our perspective, recognizing that our personality is not our true self. By understanding the limitations of the mind and body as information-bound vessels, we become willing to give up.
Essentially, we all are nothing but awareness. Only because we are awareness, we can know the world around us. However, divine awareness means raising our awareness beyond the physical senses, and merging with the non-physical.
God consciousness means enhancing one’s perception beyond the physical senses. When we disconnect from the senses, we reach a void within us and then perceive the non-physical dimension.
Connecting to divine consciousness means, withdrawing from the world of senses. When we completely disconnect from the senses, we also disconnect from the world and experience nothingness. In this space of nothingness, we experience divine consciousness.