Mind And Beyond

Orgasmic Meditation

Orgasmic meditation

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The term orgasmic meditation has become a popular term. Once we come as humans, the pursuit of enhancing life’s experience becomes relentless. Whether through parties, travel, or sex, the physical realm becomes our playground. Sex, often considered the pinnacle of pleasure, offers finite ecstasy. However, there exists an infinite realm beyond the physical dimension.


Jim Carrey wisely remarked, “I want all people to be rich and famous, so they know that this is not the answer.” Many of us hit a mid-life crisis, despite indulging in various pursuits. The quest for more pleasure remains insatiable, leading to a perpetual sense of discontent. (Read about third eye)

Real meditation

Orgasmic meditation, a term gaining recent popularity, merits clarification. Orgasm is a physical phenomenon, distinct from meditation. True meditation transcends the physical, offering boundless pleasure in the non-physical dimension.


For most, meditation has become mere closed-eye contemplation. True meditation occurs when the “I” ceases to dominate our experience. The challenge lies in shedding our personalities, as our experience is tethered to them. Fear of death often stems from the belief that there’s nothing beyond the “I.” (Read: Karma, Tme And Manifestation)

orgasmic meditation

Our Limited Nature

To further understand orgasmic meditation, we need to know our limited nature. To drop our personality, we must recognize its role in limiting our highest life experiences. Information and boundaries define our physical and psychological structures. Identification with this information creates boundaries, making others seem like strangers. Furthermore, our physical structure itself thrives on boundaries, necessary for physicality. Without boundaries, we cannot exist as distinct individual.


Remaining in the known confines us within space-time, pushing us to seek pleasure in the physical. However, true bliss emerges when we acknowledge and continually remind ourselves of our limitations. In this state, the need for explicit meditation dissipates, and we become meditative 24×7. The dimension obstructing meditation—the incessant “I” thought—ceases to exist. (Read: Trap of individuality)

orgasmic meditation

The ultimate orgasm, transcending physical pleasure, lies in realizing and embracing our limitations. Constant self-reminder liberates us, allowing us to become perpetually meditative. In this state, the “I” thought dissolves, unlocking the highest form of orgasmic experience life has to offer.


In conclusion, the journey beyond physical pleasure involves understanding the limitations imposed by our personalities. The pursuit of true bliss requires acknowledging the boundaries that define us and continually reminding ourselves of these constraints. When the “I” thought ceases to dominate, we enter a realm of perpetual meditation, experiencing the highest orgasm life can bestow.

We hope that you liked our article on orgasmic meditation.(Read: Kundalini Shakti)


The correct way to meditate is to know that meditation begins when the “I” thought ends. Akin to a sleep like state, meditation is the process of losing ourselves, without losing our awareness. In that state, we experience ourselves as pure awareness and transcend human limitations.

You can know that you are meditating correctly if your minds chatter switches of. For most people meditation has become thinking with closed eyes, however, real meditation happens when we disconnect from our information bound personas and reach a state of nothingness.

Although meditation transcends thoughts, but for beginners, it is convenient to get consumed by thoughts of god. Think of his love, his intelligence, his power, and so on. Eventually, this will help you to get consumed by him, and reach a state of nothingness.

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