Third Eye Meaning
I. Third Eye Meaning: Percieving Life Beyond Duality
The third eye meaning has intrigued humanity for centuries, offering a gateway to perceiving life beyond the material world’s dualities. In this article, we delve into third eye meaning and its connection to opposites that govern our existence.
II. Understanding the Third Eye
- Third Eye Meaning
The meaning of the third eye is more than a mystical notion. It symbolizes the ability to perceive life beyond the material duality that defines our experiences. It goes beyond the ups and downs, the pain and pleasure, offering a glimpse of a more profound existence.
2. The Natural Result of Closing Our Two Eyes
Closing our eyes isn’t merely an act of physicality; it is a deliberate process. The third eye isn’t opened; rather, it is a natural result of closing our two eyes correctly. It involves disconnecting from the world, a conscious choice to step away from the dualities that govern our material lives.
3. Connection to Duality in Material Life
The material world thrives on opposites — night-day, heat-cold, pain-pleasure — where one invariably follows the other. Understanding the third eye involves recognizing the dance of dualities that shape our experiences and influence our perceptions.

III. Closing Eyes and Disconnecting
A. Purposeful Disconnect from the World
Closing our eyes is not an act of escapism but a purposeful disconnect from the external stimuli. It is a moment of isolation, a state of nothingness that precedes the awakening of the third eye.
B. Significance of Experiencing Nothingness
In the state of nothingness, a vacuum is established, allowing us a different kind of perception. This experience, serves as a connection to a deeper understanding of life beyond the sensory input.
IV. Material World's Dependence on Dualities
A. Ups and Downs as a Part of Life
The dual nature of the material world ensures that life is a continuous oscillation between ups and downs. Accepting this inherent duality becomes a crucial part of the journey toward the awakening of the third eye.
B. Dual Nature of Senses
Our senses, too, contribute to the dual nature of our experiences — two nostrils, two ears, and two eyes. It is when we shed the influence of the dual senses that we truly begin to perceive existence beyond duality.

V. Awakening the Third Eye
A. Conditions for Third Eye Perception
Awakening the third eye isn’t a random occurrence. It happens when we have experienced everything in material life and still feel a sense of dissatisfaction. Alternatively, it occurs when life keeps knocking us down, leaving us sick and tired. Third eye opens, when we truly sleep, and lose ourselves.
B. Experience and Dissatisfaction in Material Life
The journey to the third eye involves an exploration of material life. Eventually, reaching a point where worldly pursuits fail to bring lasting satisfaction.
C. Continuous Practice for Perception Beyond the Senses
The process isn’t about mechanically opening the third eye; it’s about practice in closing our two eyes the right way. With perseverance, we start perceiving life beyond the dual physical existence, transcending the constraints of the five senses.
VI. Conclusion
In conclusion, knowing the third eye meaning is a journey, facilitated by the deliberate act of closing our two eyes. It’s a process that leads to a shift in perception, allowing us to see beyond the duality of material life.
Yes awakening the third eye is possible, and should also be done. However, we must not forget that opening the third eye cannot be forced. Third eye opening is a natural consequence of closing our two eyes the right way.
Our eye lids act as a window which if closed, disconnects us from the world. Although people can have an enhanced perception with open eyes, but for beginners, closing eyes is a must. This is because; closing our eyes helps us to create a vacuum of nothingness, which in turn opens the third eye.
Material world is based on dualities because without duality, we cannot have an experience of life. For example, we recognize heat because cold exists, we recognize day because night exists. Therefore, duality of ups and downs is a must for having an experience of material life.