wellhealth ayurvedic health tips

Wellhealth Ayurvedic Health Tips

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Wellhealth Ayurvedic Health Tips

Wellhealth Ayurvedic health tips are something that many people seek in their life. Ayurveda is the oldest form of medicine and healthcare system which not just cures diseases, but promotes a lifestyle which prohibits sickness from manifesting. With its emphasis on balancing body, mind and spirit, Ayurveda has a holistic approach. Ayurveda is rooted in interconnectedness and aims for harmony with nature to achieve overall wellbeing. In this article we will understand several wellhealth ayurvedic health tips and Ayurveda interesting facts that will help you live the Ayurveda way.

Warm water and lemon

Out of the several wellhealth ayurvedic health tips, this allows us to begin our day on a healthy note. Out of the many Ayurveda interesting facts, this one says that consuming warm water with lemon flushes out toxins from our body, helps with digestion, and strengthen our immune system. This simple practice helps us begin our day the Ayurveda way, and promotes overall health. Simple, yet truly effective!  (Read: How to build muscle)

wellhealth ayurvedic health tips
Image Source: Pexels

Follow a routine

Having a routine, although sounds simple, but again is an important part of the Ayurveda way of life. Waking up early and having fixed time for work, meals, exercise, sleep, and especially prayer is considered fundamental in Ayurveda. Such a routine helps with synchronizing our body’s internal clock and promotes well health.

Eat according to your dosha

Out of the many given wellhealth Ayurvedic health tips, this is a hardcore Ayurveda one. As we all know that Ayurveda categorizes individuals into three Doshas: Vata, Pitta and Kapha. An Ayurveda practitioner can tell us about our Doshas, and then we should eat accordingly. It is said that Vata should consume warm, moist foods, while Pita benefits from cooling and non-spicy food. Lastly Kapha types should opt for light meals. Out of the many Ayurveda interesting facts, this is a very important one and we definitely should know our Dosha. (Read: How to set life goals)

Practice self-massage

Oil massages also form an important part of Ayurveda. Daily self oil massage is considered to be a rejuvenating practice which improves circulation, nourishes the skin and calms the nervous system. Just like diet, even the oil used by individuals needs to be according to their Doshas. For Vata sesame oil should be used, coconut oil for Pitta and mustard oil for Kapha.

wellhealth ayurvedic health tips
Image Source: Pexels
Herbal teas

Nowadays, tea is used as a stimulant to energize ourselves. Every now and then we consume teas that contain caffeine and nicotine, which are not only addictive, but also do not promote health. This wellhealth Ayurveda health tip suggests that we should consume herbal teas like peppermint, Tulsi, and so on. Unlike high nicotine teas, these teas support digestion and offer a sense of tranquility.

Meditation and yoga

Last but not the least, this forms the core of Ayurveda. Yoga in reality means union, wherein we disconnect from our physical selves and merge with the divine. This act of being “devoid” of ourselves is what meditation in reality means: being in a sleep like state, but while being awake. This state is often termed as “the zone” and is a trance like state which not only promotes health, but also gives us a taste of the divine. (Read: How to control mind as per Bhagavad Gita)

Image Source: Pexels

Ayurveda as we all know is not just a cure, but is a scientific way of life which promotes health without complicating it with modern ways. If followed under the guidance of a professional, Ayurveda can do wonders not only for one’s health, but also help seekers commune with the divine, the great healer, the source of everything.

We hope that you liked our article on wellhealth ayurvedic health tips and Ayurveda interesting facts. Do leave your comments below, we are always eager to hear from our readers.


Balanced diet, proper digestion, regular exercise, adequate sleep, mental health, daily routine and detoxification form the crux of Ayurveda. It is said that if a person eats well, has good digestion, works out, sleeps well, has a good routine and detoxifies his body, then he will be healthy.

To practice Ayurveda, it is a good idea to consult a professional as he will determine your body type, and plan your lifestyle accordingly. We can also incorporate simple things like consuming warm lemon water empty stomach in the morning, regular workout, avoiding spicy food, yoga and meditation.

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