Meditation Is An Important Part Of Which Religions
meditation is an important part of which religions
Do you often wonder that meditation is an important part of which religions? Or, what religions use meditation to achieve nirvana? Well, this article will not give you age old answers, but some scientific and other general facts, that will shift your perception. We unfortunately have reached a phase, wherein we have created a world of belief systems, and have lost our seeking science. In fact, religion in synonymous to believing. Let us admit, we all have some intelligence within us, which is constantly seeking something or the other. When it seeks on the material plane, we chase survival things like food, house, and so on. But when it seeks further, then it longs to know a dimension beyond the physical.
However, like we said that we have reached a world of believers, wherein we make conclusions about things that we do not understand. Because of this, our innate longing and seeking remains limited to the physical plane, because within us, we have already concluded what is hidden beyond. However, we forget an important thing: if we believe in and propagate something without having any experience of it, means we are simply lying. Nonetheless, to understand that meditation is an important part of which religions and what religions use meditation to achieve nirvana, we must understand what is meditation, and nirvana. So let us begin!
"Believing means making conclusions about things we do not understand."
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Share on WhatsAppWhat Is Nirvana
Do you know that why we ask questions like: what religions use meditation to achieve nirvana? Because we do not know what is a religion, meditation, or nirvana. Nonetheless, knowledge that opens up one’s mind is power, and you will get that here for sure. So what is nirvana? A person is said to have attained nirvana, when he has got freedom from the physical plane that is governed by physical laws of time-space, and exists in boundaries. So what do we mean by that?
Well, matter can only maintain its physicality, when it has a boundary around it, isn’t it? And some people, the lucky ones, become very aware of those boundaries, hence long freedom from them. They turn to spiritual sadhana and practices, and only seek fulfillment in the non-physical boundless dimension. When a person no longer is seeking physical desires, then he has no reason to return to the physical plane to have those experiences, because desire is the very force that glues us to the physical plane. Therefore, it can be said that nirvana is a state, wherein a person has completely dropped the physical plane, and is only seeking the absolute.
And this also is the right thing to do, do you know why, because sooner or later, we all feel the boundaries that we remain trapped in. There have been several famous people, who had everything, but still they were depressed. This is simply because, physical pleasures are limited, and once we have everything, the longing to drop it becomes natural. Interesting, isn’t it? So to further understand things, and know that meditation is an important part of which religions, we must know what meditation is. (Read: Experience a zero thought state)
"One attains nirvana when he has become very conscious of the suffocating boundaries."
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Share on WhatsAppWhat Is Meditation
Meditation has become a popular word nowadays, and has become more like a buzzword. People around the globe talk about meditation, and claim that they meditate. Now, if we ask you that what is meditation? You might say that it is an activity of concentrating, or stopping our thoughts, or being a witness, and so on. We have created several definitions of meditation, and talk a lot about it, but hardly any of us know how to do it. In fact, if we are honest enough, then for most of us, meditation means thinking with closed eyes. Isn’t it true that our mind keeps rushing with either our eyes open, or closed? Yes, because we do not understand the basic human mechanics.
So what is meditation? Meditation is not an activity that we do, but a state that we reach, once we master the art of “not doing.” Yes, when we completely disconnect from not only from our mind, but also body, meditation happens. Currently the problem is, we have strongly created an identity with our mind-body, which is the reason for all mischief. This is because, our mind is simply space of thinking, and if our identity becomes the mind, then how can we stop thinking? Can you know who you are without giving it a thought? No you cannot, hence we do not know our true identity, and believe that nothing exists beyond the mind-body.
Meditation therefore, simply happens when you disconnect from your mind-body, and long to know what is beyond. This is an act of surrender, wherein “you as mind-body” understand its limitations, so you drop it, and allow “you as soul,” to emerge. So meditation simply happens, when we dis-identify from our mind-body, which is the only requirement to be still from within. Nonetheless, because we are covering that meditation is an important part of which religions, and what religions use meditation to achieve nirvana, so now we need to understand religions.
what religions use meditation to achieve nirvana?
So far, we have understood that meditation means dropping our mind-body, so the soul can be free from the boundaries. And this is also called nirvana, wherein the soul does not create any more physical desires, as it has had the highest human experience of infinity and oneness. Nonetheless, now we are going to understand what are religions, but from the point of view of boundaries of the physical plane.
Do you know that how many religions are there in the world? You will be shocked to know that there are around 10000 distinct religions in the world. Different beliefs, different perceptions, different outlooks, and different gods: can you guess what we are trying to say? Like we mentioned that the physical plane thrives on boundaries, which is the result of all separation and differences. Only because you have boundary around it, you feel like a distinct individual.
Likewise, all religions too, thrive on boundaries, which is the cause of ideas like different god, different faith, and different outlooks and so on. However, on the same hand, we also preach that god is one, but preaching something without experiencing it means we are lying. Nevertheless, things change when instead of believing, we start seeking the truth. Seekers always go beyond the world of boundaries, and experience true oneness. In that oneness, there are no beliefs, no distinctions, but pure infinite existence.
So it is wrong to ask that meditation is an important part of which religions, or what religions use meditation to achieve nirvana. This is because, meditation is not for people who believe, but seek. Meditation is scientific, wherein we do not settle down for anything less than direct experience. So meditation, in our opinion, should be an important part of all religions, as it helps to know god experientially. (Read: Meditate with eyes open)
"If we find God within, and everywhere, religions would become unnecessary."
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Share on WhatsAppConclusion
We unfortunately have reached a phase wherein we have solidified our boundaries. All kind of malpractices are done in the name of worship, which is destroying humanity and evolution. We must acknowledge our innate longing that always longs to go beyond the physical plane, and merge with the infinite. In that space, we lose all our boundaries and experience true oneness. We experience the same life force operating everywhere, in fact, we see ourselves, in every other living form.
Such a person can never think of harming others, or even plucking a flower, because the pain of others also becomes pain for him. While happiness of others, becomes his happiness. This is what golden age is, wherein we do not live as mere flesh and bones, but experience our infinite nature. So let us practice meditation, and do not create limitation in this infinity giving practice. We hope that you liked our article on the topic: Meditation is an important part of which religions, and what religions use meditation to achieve nirvana. Do share this article with your close ones if you liked it.
In what religion is meditation important?
Meditation should not be confined within a religion, as this art allows us to go beyond all differences and boundaries. Through meditation, we regain our soul identity, and see that our physical body is just an outfit that we wear. However, as we all know that Hinduism and its Santana dharma is the oldest culture, and we also know that yoga and meditation is an integral part of Hinduism.
So it can be said that meditation was introduced by Hinduism, however, it should be part of every religion. This is because; meditation allows us to actually experience what we preach superficially: “we are one and god is one.” So meditation is important in every religion.