small good thoughts in english

Small Good Thoughts In English

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small good thoughts in English

Every small good deed that we do initially manifests within us in the form of thoughts. It is true that we live in a thought world where our life shapes up depending on our thought quality. That is why, negative people always have negative thoughts, while positive people have loving and powerful thoughts. Thoughts lately have gained a lot of importance in our world, with people sharing small good thoughts with each other. There is no doubt that such gestures does help to uplift people, who otherwise are feeling low. Hence, here you will find many small good thoughts in English that you can save, share or post on your Instagram and Facebook!

  • “A smile is the shortest bridge to kindness.”
  • “Every sunrise brings a fresh start, embrace it.”
  • “The smallest step in kindness can ripple through someone’s heart.”
  • “Happiness grows where gratitude is planted.”
  • “Even in silence, love speaks volumes.”
small good thoughts in english
Image Source: Pixabay

“Your presence is a gift to the world, unwrap it with joy.”


Out of the many available small good thoughts in English, this one stands out. This small thought not only shows that one’s presence is a gift to the world, but also shows the importance of their thought process. When a person is full of loving and compassionate thoughts, then obviously his presence becomes a gift for the world. (Read: Krishna life quotes)

small good thoughts in english
Image Source: Pixabay

“Peace is not found, it’s created within.”

This small good thought is not only good, but great and deep. It is very true that all of us usually depend on situations to feel at peace. If something negative occurs in our life, we tend to lose our peace. However, this thought reminds us that peace is not found, but is created within. When we are at peace, it even enhances our capability to deal with situations.

Image Source: Pixabay
“A kind word can change the course of someone’s day.”

Although the net is flooded with small good thoughts in English, but this one speaks a lot. As we all have experienced, the world is slowly growing more and more selfish, with people only being concerned with their needs. Hence this thought says that in this world, a kind word to someone can ignite hope and faith within them, which are a must in today’s world. (Read: Best phones under 20000)

small good thoughts in english
Image Source: Pixabay

Just like how an apple a day keeps the doctor away, likewise a good thought a day, can keep our worries away. In today’s competitive world, we often lose our compassion and turn harsh not only towards others, but also ourselves. However, we should never lose our inherent compassionate nature, and always maintain a positive mind towards others and ourselves.


We hope that you liked our collection of small good thoughts in English. Do share them with your friends and family, and bring a smile on their face.


Here are 5 positive quotes:

  • “Kindness costs nothing but gives everything.”
  • “In every challenge, there’s a lesson waiting to be learned.”
  • “Your thoughts shape the world you see, choose wisely.”
  • “A single act of love can heal a thousand hurts.”
  • “Joy multiplies when shared with an open heart.”

Here are some good short quotes:

  • “Hope is the quiet strength that carries you through.”
  • “Every day holds the promise of a new beginning.”
  • “A heart filled with compassion never runs out of love.”

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