how to be happy with yourself

How To Be Happy With Yourself

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How to be happy with yourself

In the pursuit of happiness, many find themselves grappling with the challenge of being content with who they are. While commonly touted notions of self-acceptance, love, and respect are prevalent, they often fall short of providing a lasting solution to this intricate problem. To understand that how to be happy with yourself, it is imperative to delve into the intricate concept of our “self.” (Read: Predictability is a trap.)

False identity

People ask that how to be happy with yourself, but do you know who this “self” is? Typically, our understanding of self revolves around our personality, an amalgamation of genetic coding, DNA, and sensory experiences. Paradoxically, we have no say in our genes, our names are bestowed upon us, and the world dictates what we perceive. Despite lacking control over these fundamental aspects, we cling to them as the essence of our identity.

However, this perception of identity is merely a societal construct. The difficulty in embracing self-acceptance and love arises from the inherent mismatch between our genuine selves and the identities imposed upon us. The struggle is inherent because, fundamentally, we cannot authentically accept something we did not actively choose. (Read: Unknown forces controlling us)

how to be happy with yourself

Drop yourself

If we truly wants to be happy with ourselves, then we need to drop our false self. The transformative path towards genuine happiness begins by shedding the layers of what we are not. It involves letting go of the image crafted by our genes and the external world. While many speak of creating a new persona, the initial step involves willingly discarding the old one. This requires a deep-seated belief that the current image is not a true reflection of who we are.

This is not me mantra

The mantra “this is not me” becomes a powerful tool in this transformative journey. Incorporating it into meditation and visualization practices enables individuals to gradually disassociate from their information-bound persona. As these layers peel away, a void emerges—a space devoid of preconceived notions and societal constructs. It is within this emptiness that the potential for personal reinvention and rewriting our internal “software” lies.

Repetition of the “this is not me” mantra during meditation acts as a mantra of liberation. It becomes a stepping stone toward shedding the constraints of a predefined identity. As one gradually relinquishes their information-bound persona, they find themselves in a state of nothingness—an open canvas primed for reconstruction.

When you often reach this state, then you will never ask how to be happy with yourself, but would love your company.(Read: Real Meditation)

Empty space

In this space of emptiness, individuals gain the freedom to reimagine their authentic selves. The process involves consciously choosing the qualities and characteristics that align with their true nature rather than those imposed by external influences. It’s a profound act of self-creation, born out of a genuine understanding that the former self was a mere accumulation of circumstances and external expectations.


Ultimately, the journey to being happy with oneself transcends the conventional narratives of self-love and acceptance. It requires a fundamental shift in perception—an acknowledgment that our initial understanding of self is but a societal construct. By embracing the “this is not me” mantra and navigating the void it creates, individuals can embark on a transformative journey toward genuine happiness rooted in their true, self-chosen identity.

We hope that you liked our article on the topic: how to be happy with yourself.


The following 10 ways can make one truly happy:

  1. Gratitude
  2. Hobbies
  3. Selfless service to others
  4. Exercise
  5. Meditation
  6. Yoga
  7. Breathing exercises
  8. Journaling
  9. Healthy diet
  10. A long walk

Happiness is our essential nature, however we lose it because of our compulsive thinking. Imagine that when we asleep, then do we ever try to figure out how to be happy? No, we are completely at peace. Likewise if we can create a distance from our thoughts, then happiness would remain.

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