hate quotes in English

Hate Quotes In English

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hate quotes in English

Life is a play of opposites, like heat-cold, night-day, and so on which gives us an experience of life. Likewise, where there is love, hate also exists simultaneously. Some people we love, and some we hate. In fact, sometimes we start loving someone whom we hate, and start hating someone we love. Just like how we express love, sometimes expressing hate also becomes important. Keeping that mind we have created several hate quotes in English, hate quotes for love, and hate quotes for him and her that you can use. Use these hate quotes to give voice to your feelings.

  • “Your presence is a shadow that darkens every corner of my life.”
  • “Some people are the poison in the well of humanity.”
  • “Hatred burns hotter when kindled by your lies.”
  • “In the book of my life, you are the chapter I’d rip out and burn.”
  • “Your existence is a reminder that darkness can wear a human face.”
hate quotes in English
Image Source: Pexels

“Not all monsters hide under beds; some stand right before our eyes.”

Out of the many available hate quotes in English, this is quite a creative one. As a child we all used to believe that there is a monster hiding under our bed. Just this scary thought used to keep us up whole night. However, this quote says that the person we hate is a monster and stand right before our eyes. (Read: Broken heart quotes)

hate quotes in English
Image Source: Pexels

“You are the storm that turns sunny days into nightmares.”

There are people who add light to dark days, and then there are people who turn sunny days into nightmares. The people in the former category we love, and latter we hate. This hate quote says that the person, whom we hate, is a monster who turns sunny days into nightmares. Out of the many available hate quotes for love, this is quite a ruthless one.

Image Source: Pexels
“My peace begins where your presence ends.”

When it comes to hate quotes in English, this is one of our favorite. As we know that peace is something that we all seek, and the people we have around us play a big role in that. Some people give us peace, while some give us a headache. This quote says that when the person we hate leaves, is the time when we actually feel peaceful. Out of the many hate quotes for him and her, this one is quite an expressive one. (Read: Funny inspirational quotes)

hate quotes in English
Image Source: Pexels

Although it is famously said that friction often comes in relationships, causing a lot of distress. Because of our differences, life habits and outlooks, sometimes we end up hating the person with us, or around us. Although hate does manifest, but we should all try to resolve our differences without spreading hate. Love is what the world needs, and that is what we should spread.

We hope that you liked our collection of hate quotes in English, hate quotes for love, and hate quotes for him and her.


The following are some great quotes for hate:

  • “You are the toxin that corrupts the purity of every good moment.”
  • “Beneath your charm lies a heart as cold as winter’s night.”
  • “I’d rather face a thousand enemies than call you a friend.”
  • “Your voice is the echo of every betrayal I’ve ever known.”
  • “Some people spread light, but you only cast shadows.”

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