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Fear Of The Lord Is The Beginning Of Wisdom

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Fear of the lord is the beginning of wisdom

Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom,” a phrase deeply ingrained in our collective consciousness, is a belief many hold. But to unravel its meaning, we must delve into the intricacies of love, God, fear, and wisdom. Understanding these concepts requires an exploration of the science behind personality and physical existence.

Memory And Boundaries


People say that fear of the lord is the beginning of wisdom, but to know this, we need to know what is personality. At its core, personality is a repository of memories. Without consulting this information, we cannot even define ourselves. The instant our identity intertwines with information, we create a boundary around us. Those who fit into our memory inhabit our identified realm, while the rest of the world transforms into strangers, potential threats. All people within our boundary become friends and family, while the rest remain strangers.

Further. physical existence, by its very nature, necessitates encapsulation to maintain form. Because we have an encapsulating boundary, we have a physical form. This boundary, like animals, makes us territorial who live in fight-flight mode. This is because, for protecting boundaries, we need fear, not love. This way of living keep us stuck in limited state of survival, no better than an animal. We remain miles away from real love. (Read: True spirituality)

fear of the lord is the beginning of wisdom

Outsource Agents


We say that fear of the lord is the beginning of wisdom, hence outsource love to god. Trapped in this fear-driven dimension, we often outsource love and oneness to God. However, what eludes us is the realization that God exists beyond our physical confines. Spirituality emerges as the bridge, allowing us to transcend the physical and transition into a realm beyond the tangible. This is exactly what spirituality is, wherein we drop the fear driven physical, and merge with love of god.

In this spiritual dimension, we dissolve into the infinite, experiencing boundless love that transcends the physical. Love, in this context, is non-physical, existing as a hidden dimension beyond our fear-driven physicality. That why it is said that love has no boundaries. This basically means that love beyond the fear driven bounded physicality, and has no boundaries as it is non-physical. (Read: Science of letting go letting god)

fear of the lord is the beginning of wisdom

To understand the fear of the Lord as the beginning of wisdom, we must understand that wisdom, in arises from a deeper understanding. From a space that extends beyond the limitations of our physical selves. Wisdom blossoms when we shed fear and embrace the boundless love inherent in the spiritual realm.

The fear of the Lord, when understood metaphorically, serves as a channel for our journey towards wisdom. It forces us to transcend our boundaries, allowing us to explore the realms of love and spirituality. As we grasp the interconnectedness of these concepts, we unlock the doors to a profound wisdom that goes beyond the superficial constraints of our physical existence.


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It is widely speculated that we must fear god; however, the very essence of god is love. Fear is an emotion that we feel when we are stuck in our limited nature which is preservation, hence fear driven. In our limited nature, we feel cut off from the rest, hence always live under threat. However when we drop our physical selves, we merge with the divine and shift from fear to love.

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