god complex

God Complex

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god complex: hiding human stupidity

God Complex is a psychological term that characterizes individuals having an exaggerated sense of self-importance. Those with god complex often see themselves as omnipotent, believing they are above every thing. It is embedded in a desire for power, superiority, and control. This complex, however, is not isolated but a reflection of the broader struggle with individuality that humans face.

Becoming Too Big Within Ourselves


Nowadays, individualism is promoted, with the concept of “I” taking spotlight. This causes individuals to become extremely self-absorbed, often leading them to abandon the interconnectedness of all life. It is because of this reason that we have started to face problems like loneliness and so on. This is so because becoming too much of an individual turns us exclusive, rather than inclusive. The world becomes alien for us. (Read: Individuality Complex)

Individuality And God Complex: Root of Negative Tendencies

The God Complex, along with our overemphasis on individuality, can give rise to various negative tendencies. This includes a “me-first” attitude where personal desires and needs take precedence over all else. The consequences of this mindset can be seen in conflicts, misunderstandings, and a growing sense of isolation. In fact, all that we call negative in our world stems from limited identity. This is because, when the world becomes stranger, then we do not mind harming it, for our benefit.

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Thriving on Division and Duality

Individuality thrives on division and duality, hence called in-divi-duality, creating a constant sense of separateness. This separation does not only distance us from one another but also from our own true nature. Furthermore, our individuality also thrives on duality of ups and downs., created by our thoughts. For example, in a sleep state, when we lose ourselves, we do experiences a sense of peace. This is because, without our individual selves, we become thoughtless, hence experience bliss. (Read: Why We Face Ups And Downs)

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Making a Monumental Deal Out of Our Own Hell

Our obsession with self-importance and the God Complex is blinding. Creating a world out of individuality means, only separation, and duality. In this space, we end being away from our human potential, but remain glued to our small ego. It is because of this separation, that we lack all-inclusive responsibility, and often face psychological turbulences. We must remember that our individual selves thrive on thinking, because without thinking, who are we? Hence we often say “I think, therefore I’m.” Therefore, if our identity becomes thought, then we cannot stop thinking, causing negativity.

Outsourcing Love, Help, Healing, and Compassion to God

Stuck in individuality and the God Complex, weย  outsource love, help, healing, and compassion to the concept of God. This reliance on a higher power serves as a crutch for our fragile egos. We seek solace in the idea that a deity can provide the qualities and attributes we believe we lack. This act of outsourcing reflects our insecurities and our constant search for meaning beyond the confines of our existence. When we say god is heaven, healing, and compassion, indirectly we are saying we are hell, sickness, and hate! (Read: The Art Of Letting Go)

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Inherent Godly Qualities in Us

Ironically, as humans, all the qualities we attribute to god, such as love or compassion, are inherent within us. These traits are not external to us are a very part of what we are. We own the ability to be kind, empathetic, and selfless. To overcome this challenge, we must recognize our limitations, and strive to drop ourselves. Yes, to discover our human brilliance, we need to drop the dimension which keeps us way from it: Individuality.


God complex means when an individual feels s sense of highly inflated importance, and sense of power. God complex means, when people believe that they are above others, hence the term god complex.

God complex is neither good, nor bad. However, we should keep in mind, that becoming too much of an individual do births negative tendencies. When we only think about ourselves, then negative attitude automatically develops within us.

The easiest way to bring down god complex is through service. When we serve unknown people, without getting anything in return, that automatically brings down our sense of self importance. Furthermore, one could take professional help, if one feels that he has god complex.

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