Mind And Beyond

God Is Light

God Is Light

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In various holy books, the phrase “God is light” resonates deeply with believers. Often, people associate lord with love and light, yet do we truly grasp its essence? To comprehend this, we must delve into the realms of light, objects, darkness, and oneness.

Light And Objects


Understanding how we perceive objects provides a key insight. How to de see objects? Light interacts with objects, creating inverted images in our retina. This image gets processed in our mind as thoughts. Anything that stops light, can be seen, and which does not, remains invisible. Despite claiming that light is within all beings, we overlook the distinctiveness in our physical structures. To fathom God and oneness authentically, we must grapple with the concept of darkness. (Read more about individuality)

god is light

God Is Darkness

For many, lord embodies light, but for genuine seekers, God reveals itself in darkness. It is the darkness that permits the passage of light, remaining an enigma. Within the dimension of darkness, everything dissolves, achieving true unity. Here, darkness doesn’t allude to absence of light in a room. Rather, it signifies a state of nothingness, transcending physical creation. Only when we reach nothingness, do we get in touch with that, which does not stop light: god.


True meditation leads to self-loss akin to the oblivion in sleep. When practiced while awake, it leads to a void, a profound state of nothingness. It is within this emptiness that we begin to sense the light within us, identical in every life form. To authentically understand God and oneness, we must first turn towards darkness and nothingness. (Read what is true devotion)

Beyond Light And Creation

Believers often envision lord as light, yet genuine seekers perceive God as darkness in their initial spiritual journey. They embrace darkness, shedding their sense of self and distinct existence, ultimately encountering light and oneness.


The transformative process involves believers assuming lord as light, while seekers immerse themselves in the darkness of spiritual initiation. They become one with darkness, relinquishing individuality, paving the way for the profound experience of light and oneness. (Read: Faith Over Fear)


In conclusion, the saying God is light carries profound implications. While many associate lord with the brilliance of light, true seekers recognize lord in the mysterious depth of darkness. It is through embracing nothingness and transcending the physical realm that we unravel the essence of oneness. Thus, to truly know lord, one must embark on a journey into the realms of both light and darkness, understanding that the divine encompasses all aspects of existence.


The phrase “god is light” is found in various holy books. This phrase basically means that it is through god, that we are able to perceive the world. This is because, we see objects as a result of the light it reflects back.

God is light means god is everywhere. In the sense, we are able to see the physical world because of the light it reflects back into our eyes. Without light being reflected, we would not be able to see anything. Therefore, god is light means that god is not only the source of everything, but it is through him only that we are able to perceive the world.

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