Tag: thoughts

  • Men’s Mental Health Month

    Men’s Mental Health Month

    men’s mental health month: the other side Men are the people, who are expected to be strong, responsible, and tough. Men are often suggested that “men don’t cry,” and are fed with the idea that it is not okay to feel weak. However, we forget that it is feelings, that make men human. Since the…

  • How To Get Into A Flow State

    How To Get Into A Flow State

    How to get into a flow state As we all know, getting into a flow state is a greatly desired experience for all athletes. In this state, athletes report heightened focus, a distorted sense of time, and a strange lightness of body. This magical state, called “the zone or flow,” leads athletes to question, how…

  • Ignorance Is Bliss Meaning

    Ignorance Is Bliss Meaning

    ignorance is bliss meaning “Ignorance is bliss” is a familiar phrase, yet its true meaning often eludes us. It suggests that many find solace in turning a blind eye to life’s darker truths. It’s a shelter from the harsh truths that might otherwise trouble us. Yet, if we go deeper, we find that there’s more…

  • How To Manifest Someone

    How To Manifest Someone

    How to manifest someone: from creation, to creator How to manifest someone has become a popular question,, with people discussing the ability to attract specific people, situations, and wealth. However, a significant number fail to manifest successfully. The underlying reason lies in the fundamental shift required—from being a mere creation to becoming the creator. To…

  • Risk And Uncertainty

    Risk And Uncertainty

    risk and uncertainty: emrbacing unpredictability Risk and uncertainty often strike fear into the hearts of individuals, triggering a natural aversion to the unknown. Yet, surprisingly, certainty can be a limiting factor that hampers human potential. Let’s delve into the intricate dance between risk and uncertainty and discover the uncharted territories where growth flourishes. In common…

  • Ups And Downs Of Life

    Ups And Downs Of Life

    ups and downs of life: dropping the dual Life is an complex dance, a combination of highs and lows that play out in our experiences. People say that ups and downs are part of life, and indeed, our journey is filled with it However, it is in these turbulences that we get crushed, struggling to…

  • Selfless Love

    Selfless Love

    selfless love: how we confuse fear with love In today’s world, selfless love is a buzzword, but do we genuinely grasp its profound meaning? Love, often viewed as an emotion, transcends into a dimension of existence beyond our individuality. To understandlove, we must delve into our existence and the boundaries that shape our understanding of…

  • Follow Your Dreams

    Follow Your Dreams

    Don’t follow your dreams, follow reality In a world that echoes the mantra of “follow your dreams,” it’s intriguing how seldom we hear about following reality. The cultural narrative places a strong emphasis on aspiring for the extraordinary, often at the expense of overlooking the infinite. Why do people seem to prefer living in a…

  • Be Yourself There’s No One Better

    Be Yourself There’s No One Better

    be yourself there’s no one better hoax! In a world that preaches, “be yourself there’s no one better,” the question arises: is it truly worth it? This phrase has become a cliché, tossed around, but do we truly understand its significance? Let us discover. Bad Company Locked in a room devoid of distractions, the harsh…

  • Thursday Motivation

    Thursday Motivation

    thursday motivation: aim for self-dissolution, not self-motivation Thursday motivation is a phrase that resonates deeply with many individuals, especially those who find themselves grappling with mid-week blues. The energy from Monday’s fresh start begins to wane, and people struggle to maintain the same level of enthusiasm. However, delving into the concept of motivation itself can…