Tag: spirituality

  • Krishna Quotes In English

    Krishna Quotes In English

    Krishna quotes In English Lord Krishna is one of the most beloved gods in India, and even in the west and is known for his teachings on life. People worship him not only on Janmashtami, but every second of their life. His teaching of “constant remembrance of god” is what allows people to attain nirvana…

  • Yoga Quotes

    Yoga Quotes

    Yoga Quotes Yoga as we all know is a gift from India to the rest of the world which unfortunately has gained a reputation of a mere physical workout. In reality, yoga means union, wherein we disconnect from our physical selves and unite with the divine. The physical part of yoga is just to make…

  • Sab Moh Maya Hai Meaning

    Sab Moh Maya Hai Meaning

    Sab Moh Maya Hai Meaning Sab Moh Maya Hai is a statement that many of us make in our life, but do we truly understand its meaning? For most of us, this line, Sab Moh Maya Hai, means money, and possible evils that might come with it. The strange part is, many of us use…

  • Who Is The Biggest Enemy Of Lord Shiva

    Who Is The Biggest Enemy Of Lord Shiva

    Who is the biggest enemy of lord shiva Lord Shiva, also called as Shambhu, is a very well known name in Hinduism and its culture. He is known for his ferocious and destructive nature, who burns everything with his third eye. Since we all relate lord Shiva to destruction, people sometimes ask the question: who…

  • Most Powerful God In The World

    Most Powerful God In The World

    who is Most powerful god in the world? When we utter the term god, then unlimited power is the first thing that comes into our mind. Along with that, we also relate god with qualities like love, compassion, kindness, and so on. However, powerful creator is the first thing that enters our mind when we…

  • Who Is A Very Dangerous God

    Who Is A Very Dangerous God

    Who Is A Very Dangerous God: Destructive Force Who is the most, and a very dangerous god, is a question that sometimes comes to our mind. God is term that comes to our mind, when we are unable to find answers to something. Whether it is our personal problems, origin of humanity, or the origin…

  • High Vibration Person

    High Vibration Person

    High Vibration Person: Become That No-Person As said by famous Indian mystic, Sadhguru: “Modern science proves that whole existence is just a vibration,” shows that we indeed, live in a vibrating world. If we notice small things in our lives, we can actually live this scientific fact. For example, we do get vibes from a…

  • 1111 Angel Number Meaning

    1111 Angel Number Meaning

    1111 Angel Number Meaning: Being A Miracle The answer is 42 is a famous number for curious topics like the universe, its origin, and so on. Although this statement comes from a science-fiction book, we cannot ignore the importance of numbers in our world. Scientists around the globe, use various mathematical calculations to uncover the…

  • 69 Meaning In Life

    69 Meaning In Life

    69 Meaning In Life and what does 69 mean spiritually As we all know, numbers form an important part of our life, including time. Our time of birth, our date of birth, and such numbers, has said to have a major impact on our life. Along with that, there are various numbers that have started…

  • Brahma Muhurta Time

    Brahma Muhurta Time

    Brahma muhurta time: Moment Of Magic The Brahma muhurta time, the time between 3:30 and 5:30am, is not any ordinary moment. It is said that this time is very favorable not only for spiritual seekers, but also other people in. People are encouraged to wake up during this time, and either do their spiritual practice,…