self love captions for instagram

Self Love Captions For Instagram

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Self Love Captions For Instagram

Self love, captions, and Instagram, actually go hand in hand. This is because, Instagram provides people a peek into our personal life, and to look impressive, self love becomes a must. Nowadays people post lots of engaging stuff on Instagram, and often look for captions to go well along their post. Therefore, here we have created several unique self love captions for instagram which are savage, and short.

  • “Loving myself, one beautiful flaw at a time.”
  • “Self-love is my superpower.”
  • “In a world of constant change, I choose to love me.”
  • “Embracing my journey, one step at a time.”
  • “I am my own kind of beautiful.”
self love captions for instagram
Image Source: Pexels

“Falling in love with the person I’m becoming.”

As we know that the internet is flooded with short and savage self love captions for Instagram, but this one teaches us something. As we all know that in this journey of life, we all work on ourselves and try to become a better version of ours. We imagine a better person, fall in love with it, and work towards being that, and this is what this caption all about. (Read: Positive Ambedkar quotes on life)

self love captions for instagram
Image Source: Pexels

“My vibe? Pure self-love and positivity.”

How true it is that only a positive person loves himself, and can spread happiness around. Out of the many self love captions for Instagram, this one is short, but savage and deep. This caption sends out a message that you are full of positivity and love for others, and yourself.

Image Source: Pexels
“My glow comes from within.”

Yet again, this self love caption for Instagram is short, but very deep. As it is commonly said that it is the inside that matters not the outside and how true it is. This is because, externally we all can and often pretend to be something that we are not, but it is within where we find our true selves. From that space we find positive emotions like love, compassion, and so on. (Read: Cool bio for instagram)

self love captions for instagram
Image Source: Pexels

As we mentioned in the beginning, self love, captions and Instagram go hand in hand. With the upsurge in the use of social media, we have become very concerned about the our self image. Looking at the positive side, such attitude does help one to raise his or her self image, and instill positive emotions within. However, we should never rely on social media just to feel good, but be like that from within

We hope that your liked or collection of short and savage self love captions for Instagram. We are sure they are going to act like an icing on the cake on your posts.


The following are some great captions for self love:

  • “Learning to love every part of me.”
  • “I am enough, just as I am.”
  • “Confidence in my own skin.”
  • “Radiating self-love and good vibes.”

If you want to portray your self love, then doing it verbally might be awkward. Instead, self love becomes evident if you

  • Have confidence
  • Take care of yourself
  • Give importance to yourself
  • Hold a positive self image

Therefore, self love should not be expressed verbally, but your way of being should show it.

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