Mind And Beyond

Sadhguru Quotes On Success

sadhguru quotes on success

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Sadhguru, as we all know, is a famous mystic, spiritual reformer, and a renowned author. His work is not just limited to spirituality, but is also focused towards overall wellbeing of the planet. He has started various initiatives which are meant for saving the quality of the soil, and also for saving tress and rivers. Apart from that, he also assists government for policy making which is said to improve the overall life on this planet. Sadhguru obviously is not easily accessible to everyone, but is everywhere on the internet. Hence people often search for some Sadhguru quotes on success, and Sadhguru quotes on success and inviting grace.


However, Sadhguru’s idea of success is different from us: we only focus on material wellbeing, but he teaches us ways that not only help us attain material success, but also invite grace and gain spiritual success also. Regardless if he is physically present or not, but he always touches people, either through his books, videos, or quotes. However, in this article, we will not just present you Sadhguru quotes on success or Sadhguru quotes on success and inviting grace, but also the science behind them. Nonetheless, let us begin with some of his quotes on success:

  • “Success is not in the volume of what you do, but in the quality and impact of what you do.”
  • “Do not try to fix whatever comes in your life. Fix yourself in such a way that whatever comes, you will be fine.” (Read: Powerful prayer quotes)
  • “If you are doing what you truly care for, you will not need a motivation – life will be an expression of your joy.”
  • “When your actions are in pursuit of your passion, success is a natural consequence.”
  • “Success is not about being better than someone else; it’s about constantly becoming a better version of yourself.”
  • “You cannot enjoy success without clarity. Clarity leads to focus, and focus drives action.”
  • “Being successful means making yourself capable of creating the kind of world you want to live in.”
  • “The more you include others in your success, the more profound and impactful your success will be.”
  • “A successful life is not about material achievements alone but the joy and fulfillment you derive from it.”
  • “Your success in the world depends on how well you can use your mind and body.”

So these are some Sadhguru quotes on success. Now let us understand a little science behind them.


"Your success in the world depends on how well you can use your mind and body."

- Shared from psyog.in

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The Science


Sadhguru’s idea of success is quite different from what we believe it to be. He always inspires people to let go of their little physical selves, so a larger intelligence can express through them. For example, in one of the quotes above, it is said: “Being successful means making yourself capable of creating the kind of world you want to live in.” We can get a better clarity about this simply by studying his life a bit.

If we look closely at his life, we will find that whatever he does is for a larger purpose which does not involve his own personal benefit. Whatever he does is simply either for uplifting people spiritually, or making our planet healthier and happier. Now why he does that when we are living in a world where personal gain is all that matters? This is simply because; he has tasted the intelligence that is hidden beyond his physical body.  Henceforth, he always lives in a way, which helps him disconnect from his physical body.


This is path is known as Karma Yoga, wherein we worship god, through our actions. When we see the divine, residing in every individual, and also experience him within us, then we completely dedicate our life to him. This art not only allows us to disconnect from the trap of the physical body, but also takes care of our physical survival needs. Isn’t this powerful? Nonetheless, before we cover Sadhguru quotes on success and inviting grace, let us take a look at some more of Sadhguru success quotes:

  • “Success is not about climbing the ladder; it is about finding fulfillment in every step you take.”
  • “True success happens when you are able to inspire others to dream and grow alongside you.”
  • “Don’t aim for success alone; aim for balance. A balanced life is a successful life.”
  • “When you make joy your baseline, success becomes a natural progression.”
  • “The key to success is not ambition but devotion – devotion to what truly matters to you.”
  • “Success is not something you pursue; it is something you attract by becoming capable and receptive.”
  • “If you align your body, mind, and energy, success will flow naturally without struggle.”
  • “Life becomes successful when it is in tune with the forces of nature and the universe.”
  • “The ultimate success is not in winning over others but in mastering yourself.”
  • “Focus on enhancing yourself rather than competing with others; success will follow you effortlessly.”

Now, let us explore some Sadhguru quotes on success and inviting grace, but before that, let us understand what grace as per Sadhguru is. (Read: Yoga quotes)

sadhguru quotes on success

Sadhguru Quotes On Success And Inviting Grace

In one of his quotes Sadhguru says that: “when you are no more identified with your physicality, then you become available to grace.” So what does this mean? We all have heard either through spiritual talks or ancient texts, that in reality, we are not the body, but a soul. However, we end up strongly identifying with the body, which keeps us limited to physical laws. If truth is to be told, our physical body is nothing, but an outfit that we get depending upon our past karma. Therefore, when we remain stuck to it, we are actually allowing our past actions to control us. (Read: Tips for healthy living)

On the other hand, when we do spiritual practices, and gradually disconnect from our body, then we not only get freedom from our past karma, but also physical laws. In reality, god truly wants to help us, but he can only do so, when we surrender our physical self to him. This art of letting go and letting god, actually is the art of disconnecting from our past karma, and allowing god to guide us. Isn’t this powerful? Now that we have understood the hidden logic, let us explore some Sadhguru quotes on success and inviting grace:

  • “Grace is not something that you earn; it is something that you invite.”

-Grace flows naturally when you create the necessary openness within yourself.

  • “When you do not identify yourself with anything, you become open to grace.”

-Letting go of attachments and identities allows grace to enter effortlessly.

  • “Devotion is a tool to dissolve yourself. Once you are dissolved, grace begins to function.”

-True devotion removes barriers, making space for divine energy.

  • “The very process of life is an invitation to grace if you allow it to be.”

-By aligning with life’s natural rhythm, you align with grace.

  • “Grace is the lubricant that makes life effortless and joyful.”

-With grace, even challenges transform into opportunities.

  • “When your life is full of gratitude, grace flows freely.”

-Gratitude is a magnet for grace; it amplifies its presence in your life.

  • “Grace will not descend upon a cluttered mind. Clear the clutter, and grace is yours.”

-A calm, uncluttered mind is a fertile ground for grace.

  • “If you are in tune with existence, grace is not far away.”

-Living in harmony with nature and the universe attracts grace.

  • “To invite grace, you don’t have to do anything; you just have to stop doing the unnecessary.”

-Simplify your life and let grace unfold.

  • “The more receptive you are, the more grace flows into your life.”

-Receptivity is key; be open, and grace will find you. (Read: Alan Watts love quotes)


As it is evident from Sadhguru quotes and teachings, his idea of success is not merely material, but spiritual. Material success is simply a small bonus we get, when we create the right atmosphere of receptivity within us. People try to do that through different means, either through devotion, action, or knowledge. However, Sadhguru suggests that we must have a perfect blend of action, devotion and knowledge if we have to experience the divine.

Although we did cover a number of Sadhguru quotes on success and inviting grace, however, we must remember that material success should never be our primary motive. As we mentioned above, material success is simply a consequence of becoming receptive to grace, however we must not focus on it too much. This is because, if we only think about that, then that keeps us chained to our physical selves, and we feel the bonds of limitation. So let us keep divine connection as our primary motive, and the rest shall be taken care of.

We hope that you liked our collection of Sadhguru quotes on success and Sadhguru quotes on success and inviting grace. Do share this article with your friends if you happen to like this write-up.


What was Sadguru's famous quote?

Sadhguru is a famous Indian mystic, spiritual leader, speaker, and an author. His work is not only limited to spirituality, but also extends to creating a better planet to live in. with his teachings and discourses, he has touched the lives on millions not just in India, but globally. Here are some of his famous quotes:

  • “Peace and joy do not fall from the sky. They arise from within you.”
  • “Do not be dead serious about your life—it is just a play.”
  • “The sign of intelligence is that you are constantly wondering. Idiots are always dead sure about every damn thing they are doing in their life.”
  • “Responsibility simply means your ability to respond.”
  • “The past is memory; the future is imagination. Only the present is real.”
  • “Love is not about somebody. Love is not an act—love is a state of being.”
  • “If you resist change, you resist life. If you accept change, you embrace life.”
  • “Awareness is not about achieving something; it is about becoming receptive to what is already there.”
  • “Success means that you are living your life the way you want to live.”
  • “Meditation means dissolving the invisible walls that unawareness has built.”
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