Quotes That Make No Sense
Short quotes that make no sense
Let us admit, we all keep searching for meaningful quotes that are inspirational, short, and meaningful. That is a good thing to do, as it keeps us focused and motivated. However, isn’t it also a good idea to sometimes, just relax, and laugh? We search for a lot of meaningful things, but here, you will find several short quotes that make no sense, dumb inspirational quotes that make no sense, and confusing quotes that make no sense.
Now you must be wondering that why are we devoting time to create such quotes and content. It is confusing isn’t it? The thing is, we all have started taking life way too seriously. Everything that we do, we do it with a thought that “what we will gain from it.” However, in that process, we forget to take things lightly, and create some inner ease. We must always remember that we should not take our life seriously, but happily, and for that, some funny things are a must. So let us begin with some short confusing quotes that make no sense:
- “A pancake without a passport cannot cross the road twice on a windy Thursday.”
- “The umbrella sings only when the teapot forgets its hat.”
- “If a doorbell rings underwater, the octopus always answers with a screwdriver.”
- “Bananas don’t negotiate with elevators on the third Tuesday of April.”
- “When the moon wears socks, the sun forgets how to whistle.”
- “A toaster’s dreams are written in the language of dancing spatulas.”
- “The quietest watermelon is louder than a singing stapler at dawn.”
- “You can never trust a flamingo wearing sunglasses during a snowstorm.”
- “When the clouds paint triangles, the cows start playing chess.”
- “A sideways rainbow is just a banana waiting to sneeze.”
So you see, these short quotes make no sense at all, and sometimes, even life doesn’t make any sense. In such a scenario, it is best to go with the flow of life, and trust. So now, let us explore some dumb inspirational quotes that make no sense.
"When the moon wears socks, the sun forgets how to whistle."
- Shared from psyog.in
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Do you know that what is the difference between a person who is always inspired, and the de-motivated one? Think about it, because we all have a mind and body, but how can some people find inspiration just about anywhere? Okay, the answer to that is: outlook. Yes the only difference, that actually makes all the difference, is what outlook people hold. Some people try to find the negative even in the positive, while some find inspiration even in dumb lines.
As it is popularly said: “when we change our perception, then things change,” and we totally agree with that. Yes. It is true that, beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder, and the one who is determined to find constructive things, will find it. Anyhow, now it is time to cover some dumb inspirational quotes that make no sense. Let us find inspiration the fun way!
- “Chase your dreams like a penguin chasing a taco in the desert.”
- “The best way to climb a mountain is to first teach your shoes how to swim.”
- “Believe in yourself, because the toaster won’t do it for you.”
- “Every sunrise is an avocado waiting to be turned into a sweater.”
- “Success is just a sandwich—don’t forget the pickles of perseverance.”
- “Run toward your goals like a giraffe with roller skates on an ice rink.”
- “A broken clock still has better Wi-Fi than a spoon in a library.”
- “When life gives you lemons, juggle them until the universe is confused.”
- “Don’t let the cactus of failure ruin the balloon of hope.”
- “The road to success is paved with jellybeans nobody wanted.”
So these are some dumb inspirational quotes that make no sense. They are funny, but still mean a lot, isn’t it? Before this segment, we covered some short quotes that make no sense, so now let us explore some confusing quotes that make no sense. (Read: Happiness quotes)
confusing quotes that make no sense
Do you what the problem with us is? We think that being confused is a negative tendency, and we need to know everything. Well, if the truth is to be told, only a person who is confused, would seek answers, while who believes that he knows everything, would never seek. This in fact, separate successful people from the rest. Successful people always embrace confusion and accept that they do not know.
People who believe they know everything and have everything figured out, end up living in their small cocoon. On the other hand, being confused keeps our mind open to new ideas and learning’s, in all, it keeps our mind fluid. So you see, confusions, if used correctly, can’t help one grow. However, sometimes it is okay if our confusion does not make any sense, in fact, we should enjoy that phase. So here are some confusing quotes that make no sense for you:
- “The faster you stand still, the slower the clock forgets.”
- “A circle always finds its edges when it dreams of corners.”
- “If the sky could walk, it would trip over its own reflection.”
- “The louder you whisper, the deeper the silence echoes.”
- “Tomorrow was already yesterday before today had a chance to apologize.”
- “The truth always lies somewhere between a chair and its shadow.”
- “When the ocean breathes backwards, the mountains learn to swim.”
- “Every mirror contains a thousand faces, but none of them belong to the glass.”
- “To unlock the door, first lose the key and forget where you were going.”
- “A shadow only knows it’s alive when the sun turns its back.” (Read: One line quotes)
We are often told that we should be sensible, and take our life seriously. And we all fall for it. Although, being responsible is good, and also required, but one should never be serious all the time in life. Our life is a balance of being responsible, and enjoying, and more of any, can spoil our balance. Nowadays, stress, worry and so on has become very common, simply because, we never let loose from within.
It is a good idea to sound senseless sometimes, and be okay with life, or our words, not making sense. So live, laugh out loud, because we live just once. We hope that you liked our collection of short quotes that make no sense, dumb inspirational quotes that make no sense, and confusing quotes that make no sense. Do share it with your serious friends, and lighten their day.
What are some nonsense quotes?
We all constantly look for and share meaningful quotes, which help us, move ahead in life. However, sometimes it is okay to relax, and share things that do not make sense. Keeping that in mind, here are several nonsense quotes:
- “Clouds are just tired marshmallows.”
- “Bananas dream in triangles.”
- “Silence tastes like purple socks.”
- “A doorbell never forgives a pineapple.”
- “The moon hums when it forgets the lyrics.”
- “Pencils are just trees in disguise.”
- “Rain smells like backwards music.”
- “Spiders juggle invisible marbles.”
- “Toast is bread that believed in itself.”
“Gravity envies flying fish.”