Mind And Beyond

Mid Life Crisis At 60, 35, 25 and 20

mid life crisis at 60

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What is mid life crisis, mid life crisis at 60, mid life crisis at 35, mid life crisis at 30, what are the signs of a midlife crisis in a man? Such statements are not uncommon for us to hear. When we utter the term mid life crisis, we are not talking about dissatisfaction due to failure, because, even successful people, face it. This is a strange occurrence, wherein people feel that they have reached nowhere, despite having acquired material success. Such feelings do not necessarily come to people who are beyond 60, but even affects people at the age of 35, 30, and even young people in their 20’s.


In this modern world, we have got tremendous comfort because of technological advancements. Not just that, but we have the best of health care, best of finances, best of comfort, but still, we cannot claim that we are the most joyful generation. There is something terribly wrong that we are doing, hence often feel lost. Nonetheless, this article is created to answer all your questions: including why people feel mid life crisis at 60, 35, or 30 along with signs of mid life crisis in a man. But before that, let us understand that what is mid life crisis?

Mid Life Crisis At 30: What Is Mid Life Crisis?

Mid life crisis can be described as a feeling of emptiness and an inner void, which begins to consume people. During this phase, people often start realizing their mortal nature, and even begin to feel as if they do not have any purpose in life. Furthermore, people often feel that “time” is running out and they are failing to keep up with time. It is true right: that we need to move ahead with time? However, people experiencing mid life crisis, often feel that they are lagging behind, despite having achieved everything. These are some common signs of midlife crisis in a man.


During this time, people also face an inner turmoil. They feel dissatisfaction, fear, regret, and other negative emotions. Mid life crisis at 60, often gives us feelings of hopelessness, being left out, and so on. People often ask that at what age do people experience mid life crisis? Well, it was believed that people between the age of 40 to 60 experience it, however, now things have changed. Now mid life crisis not only happens at 60, but also in the age group of 20, 25, 30, and 35. In fact, anyone above 20, experiences this phenomenon. Isn’t that strange? However, we all want to beat this feeling, so let us understand how to do so. (Read: How to be positive during tough times)

"In mid-life crisis, a person feels he has reached nowhere, despite material success."


- Shared from psyog.in

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Signs Of Midlife Crisis At 35 In A Man

So far, we have tried to understand that what is mid life crisis, and the age group that it affects. However, now we are going to know some signs of midlife crisis in a man. Make sure you read till the end, because the real reason and sign for mid life crisis at 60, or 35, or 30, regardless of age, will shock you. And the solution will shock you even further. Nevertheless, let us understand the common signs of midlife crisis in a man :

  • Ageing and mortality awareness: We live our life as if we are immortals. However, a time comes when we realize that we are mortals, and this is a major cause of mid life crisis. This not only happens to people above 60, but can affect anyone, including people in the age group of 30 or 35.
  • Unfulfilled feeling: People often feel that they have lived an unfulfilled life and didn’t do much. Nonetheless, most people get this feeling, despite achieving quite a lot.
  • Life transitions: People above 60, experience a number of major transitions, like children leaving home, loss of a loved one, and so on. This is also said to be a major contributor towards this phenomenon.
  • Loss of identity: People also feel they have lost themselves in the process of serving their family. They desire to reclaim their individuality, after focusing just on their closed ones.
  • Lagging behind time: During this phase, people also feel that they are lagging behind time and have been left behind. They feel that others have kept up with time, but they have failed.

 So these all are said to be the main reasons and signs of mid life crisis. People often wonder that how can they combat this feeling. So now we will explore some tools to combat mid life crisis at 60, 35, and 30. Make sure you read till the end, because something is going to shock you.

How To Overcome Mid Life Crisis

So far, we have understood that what is mid life crisis, and that it can happen even to people in the age bracket of 30-35, and not just 60. Then we understood the signs of midlife crisis in man. However, now we will focus on some coping strategies that we believe can help people. However, we have something else in stock apart from these methods:

  • Acceptance: As it is popularly said, acceptance is the first step to change. Hence, people should accept these feelings, without judgments.
  • New activities: Engaging in new activities is a good way for people to divert their mind with such feelings, and fill it with better thoughts.
  • Support groups: There are various support groups of people going through similar feelings. One can join such groups, because sharing always helps.
  • Gratitude: Gratitude is a powerful tool that helps people to change their mindset. Having gratitude for all life situations, not only make us feel good, but frees us from that problem internally.
  • Focus on health: During such times, focusing on one’s health can do wonders. Eat well, do exercises and yoga. This not only is good for physical health, but also psychological.

 So these are said to be the coping strategies for midlife crisis. However, we promised that something will shock you, so now it is time for that. Remember we discussed the reasons of mid life crisis in a man above? So from there, we are going to take out two points: lagging behind time, and loss of identity. (Read: How to experience god)

Nature Of Time

During mid life crisis at 60, or 35 or 30, people often experience that they are lagging behind in time, along with other signs we discussed of mid life crisis in a man. They feel that others have moved ahead, and they have been left behind. It is true right that we all are told that we must move ahead with time, otherwise, we get left behind? However, why is it that people feel as if they have reached nowhere, despite achieving a lot?

Well, because we have not understood the nature of time. We all try to move “ahead,” with time, but did we not ever notice the clock needle returning to the same spot? Yes my friend, time is cyclical and simply goes in circles, that is why in the physical plane, everything is repetitive, like night-day, summer-winter, happiness-sadness and so on.

Yes, physicality is completely time bound, and time is cyclical, hence repetitive, causing feelings of being stuck, stagnant. and so on. That is why we often say that “his time was over” when someone leaves the planet, “he is having the time of his life” when things are good,” or “time heals everything,” when things get tough.

 Now like we discussed above, one of the main signs of a mid life crisis is, feeling they are behind time, however, we must realize that time is cyclical, and it can never let us move ahead. Time never takes us ahead, but in cycles. So whether you experience mid life crisis at 60, 35, or 30, or look for signs of mid life crisis in a man, always remember that it all is caused by cyclical nature of time. So what is the way out? Let us understand this.

"Time never takes us ahead, but in cycles."

- Shared from psyog.in

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Identity Loss

Things are getting a little complicated right? So let us have a quick recap of what we have covered so far. We understood that what is mid life crisis, signs of mid life crisis in a man, mid life crisis can happen in any age group, be it 60, 20, 30, or 35, and the cyclical nature of time. We understood that such crisis does happen due to other factors, but mainly, it is because of the nature of time, and how we are time bound. So what is the way out?

Above, we understood that one of the signs of mid life crisis is, loss of identity, however, would you be surprised if we say that this actually, is the solution? Yes, but for that we need to turn to the spiritual side. What is spirituality? Spirituality means, disconnecting from the physical dimension, and transitioning into the spiritual realm. Because this realm is non-physical, therefore it is timeless.

As humans, we all have an inner longing to enhance our experience of life. To do that, we go on accomplishing goal after goal, however, after a point, mid life crisis hits, because, we have not addressed that “longing” for what it is.

There is an intelligence within us, call it soul, god, consciousness or whatever you wish, which wants to go beyond the cyclical physical laws. This intelligence does not want entrapment, but freedom from time. When we understand this reality, then things like mid life crisis at 60, 35, or 30, would just disappear. And the fact is, we hit this timeless dimension, when we disconnect from our time bound physical identity.

Yes, once we discover that how we are entrapped in time, then our aim becomes freedom. Yes this is not an overnight process, but takes practice, and persistence and incorporation of spiritual practices like meditation, chanting, yoga and so on.

mid life crisis at 60


Whether we ask what is mid life crisis, mid life crisis at 60, 35, 0r 30, or signs of mid life crisis in a man, we must admit that these answers cannot be answered in the physical realm. Unless we admit that true human satisfaction can only be attained by experiencing the timeless dimension, it would be impossible to end these things.

If we take a close look at it, you will find that we anyways always try to abandon ourselves. Be it through alcohol, vacations, or Netflix, but something within us always tries to escape this physical trap. Unless we address this longing wanting to go beyond the physical for what it is, these things will never end.

We hope that you liked our article and your doubts concerning: what is mid life crisis, mid life crisis at 60, 35 and 30, signs of mid life crisis in a man and the solution has been answered. Do let us know in the comments section that how you cope up with these feelings.


What age is the mid life crisis?

Mid life crisis has no fixed age, but can happen to anyone. However, it mostly happens to people who are above the age of 50. People report that they often feel empty from within, and feel that they have reach nowhere. They employ several coping strategies to fill that emptiness, however, it keeps returning back.

This is because of the cyclical nature of time, which keeps us taking in circles. The permanent solution is to admit the cyclical nature of time, and how we are bound by it, and incorporate spiritual strategies to reach a timeless dimension.

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