let go let god meaning

Let Go Let God Meaning

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let go let god meaning

In moments of stress and helplessness, the mantra “let go, let God” is often preached. But do we grasp its profound meaning? To unravel the let go let god meaning, we must first confront our human limitations.

As individuals, we exist within the confines of division and duality, aptly termed in-divi-duality. Our physical beings are encapsulated by boundaries, essential for maintaining physicality. These boundaries provide us with a distinct experience of separateness. (Read prayer of gratitude)


To further understand let go let god meaning, we need to delve deeper into separation. This separateness is a double-edged sword. While it grants us individuality, it also fosters negative tendencies such as crimes, molestations, and terror. Our separation from others gives rise to a myriad of challenges, creating a world filled with discord.

Furthermore, our very existence is intertwined with duality. Day and night, heat and cold, pain and pleasure—these opposing forces form the basis of our physical reality. This dual nature turns our lives into a rollercoaster ride, marked by fluctuations between extremes.

let go let god meaning

Let go of what?

We often think of meaning of let go let god, but what do we let go of?Caught in the web of our individuality, we often find ourselves unable to extricate from the challenges we face. This is where the wisdom of “let go, let God” comes into play. Yet, understanding this phrase goes beyond a mere surrender; it involves a profound release from the shackles of individuality.

True letting go requires transcending the boundaries that define our separateness. Only when we give up individuality, can we attain a state of unity, experiencing the sublime beauty of singularity. This transformation is akin to achieving heaven on earth.(Read: Faith over fear)

Only the limited can surrender

Letting go, in the spiritual context, involves surrendering the ego—the sense of self that thrives on separation. It means releasing the attachments that bind us to our individualistic identity. This act of surrendering to a higher power, is an acknowledgment of a force beyond our comprehension. However, surrender only happens, when we realize that we, are in fact, a limited trap.

In this state of surrender, we break free from the limitations imposed by our individual identity. The barriers that fuel negative tendencies begin to crumble, paving the way for a harmonious existence. It is a journey towards recognizing the interconnectedness of life, an understanding that transcends the superficial divisions that breed conflict.

let go let god meaning
Image Source: Wikimedia Commons
Beyond duality

The duality that shapes our physical world no longer dictates our experiences. Instead, we embrace a unity that transcends the apparent contradictions of life. The rollercoaster ride of highs and lows becomes a serene journey, guided by a higher force.

Letting go, letting God is not a passive resignation but an active participation in the cosmic dance of existence. It requires a conscious choice to release the grip of the ego and surrender to a higher intelligence. This act of surrender is not a sign of weakness but a realization of our interconnectedness with a greater whole.


A we reach the end of this article, let go let god meaning, let us conclude by saying that as we let go of individuality, we become vessels for a divine presence to flow through us. The boundaries that jail us, dissolve, and we become mediums for love and empathy. In this dimension of oneness, we surpass the limitations of our human experience and touch the divine within ourselves and others.

Let go, let God” encapsulates an intense truth about the nature of our existence. To truly understand its meaning, we should go past the surface and dig into the depths of our own consciousness. Letting go is not about renouncing control but about entering a dimension where division and duality dissolves. It is a transformative journey towards unity, where we find heaven on earth through the release of individuality.

let go let god meaning
Image Source: Wikimedia Commons

Let go and let go, although is a popular saying, but we do not grasp it well. Letting go means letting go of our limited ego, and merging with god. However, this only becomes possible when we understand and our limitations. This is because, we would only let go the limited.

Letting go is a form of yoga, which means union. When we let go and disconnect from our physical selves, which frees us from the trap of our physicality, and allows us to merge with the infinite.

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