hurt silence quotes

Hurt Silence Quotes

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hurt silence quotes

Hurt is something that although takes us into a zone of silence verbally, but creates a storm within us. Hurt and heart break is something that we all experience sometimes or the other in our life. When we get hurt, we disconnect from the world, so we can experience some silence within us away from the loud world. We know this time can be tough; therefore, we have created some hurt silence quotes to help you get through this phase.


Here are some such quotes to begin with:

  • “Silence speaks volumes in the language of hurt, where pain is louder than any scream.”
  • “The silence of hurt is a symphony of suffering, playing softly in the depths of a wounded soul.”
  • “In the silence of hurt, the heart learns to speak in the language of scars, telling stories of pain too deep for words.”
hurt silence quotes
Image Source: Pexels


  • “In the silence of hurt, words lose their meaning, and only the echoes of pain remain.”

In the vast collection of hurt silence quotes on the internet, this one is so short, but so deep. Whenever we get hurt, we feel dumbstruck from within, but still painful thoughts keep echoing in our mind. Whether the pain comes from a breakup, failure or any disappointment, the loud painful thoughts remain alive within us. Hence this hurt silence quote totally sums up that how one feels during a rough patch. (Read: Love quotes for couples)

hurt silence quotes
Image Source: Pexels


  • “Sometimes, the loudest screams are the ones that echo within the silent chambers of a wounded heart.”

This quote also so aptly explains that how one feels when he is hurt. When somebodyโ€™s heart gets broken they donโ€™t feel like talking or sharing stuff with others. Yet, their silence and painful eyes loudly conveys to the world that they are broken from within. However, we should never forget that time heals everything, and we should flow with time.

Image Source: Pexels
  • “The silence of hurt is deafening, echoing the unspoken words of a shattered spirit.”

Whenever we get hurt, then some hurt silence quotes not only depict our state, but also help us understand ourselves. This quote shows that how a disappointment completely shatters our spirit and breaks us into pieces. ย However, we should never forget that we have the courage to gather and build all our broken pieces. All it takes is one step. (Read: Uplifting motivational shayari)

hurt silence quotes
Image Source: Pexels

Every time we get hurt, we go into a zone of silence, hence these quotes are all about that. We should never forget that the trials of life come not to punish us, but to show us that we can get through anything. We know that during such times, such words mean worthless, but this is what the truth is.

We hope that you liked our collection of hurt silence quotes, and got some faith through us. Do share these quotes with your friends and family.


The following are some good hurt silence quotes:

  • “Silence is the heart’s way of holding its breath, afraid to exhale the pain within.”
  • “In the silence of hurt, every tear is a word left unspoken, every sigh a sentence of sorrow.”
  • “Hurt wears a cloak of silence, hiding its wounds beneath a veil of unspoken anguish.”

Hurt in silence means that whenever we get hurt, we crave to experience some silence within. When our heart gets broken that creates a storm of thoughts within us. Therefore, during such times, one desires to disconnect from his thoughts, and experience peace.

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