Mind And Beyond

How To Control Mind Bhagavad Gita

How To Control The Mind: Bhagavad Gita

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How to Control the Mind According to the Bhagavad Gita: The Bhagavad Gita provides an easy, yet challenging way for controlling the mind. This timeless text describes a path to mastering the mind that goes beyond conventional psychological approaches. It emphasizes surrendering to God as the key to liberation from the cyclical and compulsive thinking, leading to human suffering.

1. Surrender to God


The Bhagavad Gita doesn’t offer a several confusing techniques for controlling the mind. Instead, it emphasizes a singular path – surrendering to God. It states that the mind, with its thoughts and desires, is an impediment for our spiritual growth. By surrendering the mind to a higher intelligence, we surpass the limitations imposed by our thoughts and achieve bliss.

How To Control Mind Bhagavad Gita
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2. The Mind and Thoughts: Limitations Bound by Karma

The Bhagavad Gita views the mind not as a manifestation of intelligence but as limitations bound by our karma. Karma, in this context, refers to the accumulated effects of our actions and choices from past lifetimes. According to this philosophy, our minds are clouded by karmic influences, creating cyclical thought patterns and contribute to human suffering. To free ourselves from this cycle, we must surrender our minds to a higher divine power.


“Abandon all varieties of dharma’s and simply surrender unto Me alone. I shall liberate you from all sinful reactions. Do not fear.”

3. Scientific Take: Mind and Body as Information Collections

As per psychological sciences, the mind and body are seen as collections of information in different forms. Such as DNA memory, genetic memory, conscious memory, subconscious memory, and unconscious memory. These forms of memory are believed to be inherited due to our past karma. Our psychological and physical structures are shaped by this information, leading to the development of cyclical and compulsive thought patterns. This is what we suffer: compulsive, cyclical, and repetitive thinking. (Read: Science Of Mahashivratri)

How To Control Mind Bhagavad Gita
Image Source: Wikimedia Commons
4. The Influence of Karma on Thought Patterns

Karma, or the information from our past, plays a critical role in shaping our thoughts and actions. The cyclical and compulsive nature of these thought patterns stems from the influence of past karma. This perpetuates a cycle of suffering as individuals continue to act and react based on their ingrained patterns. And all this without a clear understanding of why they do so.

5. Stuck in the Past Due to Information

One of the fundamental scientific concepts is that information is inherently rooted in the past. Information always comes from the past. This means that the mind, which is primarily driven by information, keeps us stuck in the past. Our thoughts and actions are influenced by the actions and experiences of our past. This makes us bound by the consequences of these actions.

6. Surrendering to God: Escaping Compulsiveness and Karma

The Bhagavad Gita suggests that the key to breaking free from the cycle of compulsiveness is to surrender to God. We start viewing ourselves, as a property and servant of god, without a self-centric “I” thought. From “I,” we turn to “you.”By doing so, our minds are no longer governed by the relentless cycle of thoughts and actions. Instead, we become instruments, servants of a higher power that guides us toward liberation and self-realization. Surrendering the mind to God allows us to transcend the constraints of karma and information.

7. Towards Nothingness and Liberation

As we surrender our minds to a higher consciousness, we gradually detach ourselves from the limitations of our past. We get freedom from cyclical thought patterns they produce. This journey leads us towards liberation, a state beyond information, where the mind is no longer enslaved by past karma. It is an ecstatic journey toward nothingness, where the mind is free to explore the realm of miracles. (Read: Science Of Sanatan Dharma)

how to control mind bhagavad gita

In conclusion, the Bhagavad Gita presents an exceptional way for controlling the mind. It suggests surrendering to God as the course to liberation from the compulsive thought patterns leading to human misery. By renouncing control to a higher power, the mind is freed from the shackles of past actions. This ultimately guides us towards nothingness and liberation. How to control mind according to the Bhagavad Gita is a journey of surrender that has always resonated with seekers.


The Bhagavad Gita teaches that controlling the mind is achieved through surrendering to God. By recognizing the limitations of our thoughts and desires and surrendering them to a higher intelligence, we can transcend the mind’s constraints and attain a state of bliss and liberation.

To be mentally strong according to the Bhagavad Gita, one must surrender to God and understand that the mind is bound by karma, the accumulated effects of past actions. By surrendering the mind to a higher power, individuals can overcome cyclical thought patterns and achieve mental strength and clarity.

Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita addresses the issue of overthinking by emphasizing the need to surrender the mind to God. He explains that overthinking is a result of the mind being clouded by past karma and desires. By surrendering the mind to God, one can free themselves from overthinking and achieve peace.

The Bhagavad Gita views thoughts as manifestations of past karma and desires. It teaches that our minds are shaped by the information accumulated from past actions and experiences, leading to cyclical and compulsive thought patterns. To break free from these patterns, one must surrender their thoughts and desires to a higher divine power.

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