how to be happy alone

How To Be Happy Alone

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How to be happy alone

Loneliness and the quest for happiness alone have become prevalent challenges for many individuals. The perennial question, “How to be happy alone?” echoes in the minds of those who find themselves struggling in their own company. Yet, the key to unlocking this enigma lies in understanding the intricate science behind it.

Firstly, it is crucial to recognize that if we do not relish our own company, we are essentially deeming ourselves bad company. To alter this perspective, we must delve into the science of personality and thoughts. Our personality is a mosaic of genetic information and the external world’s impact on us. It is not a matter of choice; rather, it is a composition thrust upon us — from our name to our genes and sensory perceptions.

Accidental Identity

To know that how we can be happy alone, we need to first understand what person is. In the realm of personality, the idea that our identity is not a matter of our choosing becomes evident. The very essence of who we are is a product of circumstances beyond our control. If we lack the freedom to decide our personality, the concept of enjoying it seems elusive.

When we claim to not enjoy our own company, we are essentially grappling with mismanaged thoughts and emotions. This implies that our thoughts are occurring compulsively, devoid of a conscious choice. However, if our identity is reduced to mere information, compulsive thinking becomes inevitable. After all, without thought, what defines our existence? (Read: Law of detachment)

how to be happy alone

The ups and downs

People wonder how to be happy alone, but do not understand the duality of thoughts. Yes, thoughts thrive on duality and comparison, manifesting as positive-negative or sadness-happiness. This constant oscillation creates a cycle of ups and downs, commonly recognized as negative emotions. Breaking free from this cycle becomes imperative for those seeking solace in their own company.

The path to liberation lies in transcending our identity, which is bound by information. Recognizing the limitations of this information-bound identity prompts us to relinquish it willingly. To achieve this, we must become comfortable shedding the familiar and transitioning into the unfamiliar. In this process, we encounter a state of nothingness, freeing ourselves from the shackles of social constructs. (Read: Thoughts and bipolairty)

Beyond information

In this dimension beyond identity, we become a pure essence of life untouched by memory, rising above the highs and lows of incessant thinking. Reclaiming our true identity ensures that we live consciously, liberated from the compulsions that bind us. It invites us to embrace solitude not as a burden but as a gateway to unparalleled happiness within ourselves. (Read: How persona steals motivation)

how to be happy alone

In conclusion, the journey to being happy alone requires a profound understanding of our identity, thoughts, and the limitations imposed by societal constructs. By embracing solitude and shedding the baggage of compulsive thinking, we can discover a sense of fulfillment and joy that transcends the limitations of our conditioned existence. Happiness, it seems, is not found in the external world but within the depths of our true, liberated selves.

We hope that you liked our article on how to be happy alone and gained relevant information.


To find happiness alone, one must dis-identify from their persona and mental chatter, hence reach a state of equanimity. Happiness is our essential nature; however we lose that because we wrongly identify with the mind, body, and our persona.

Being alone and loneliness are two different things. One can be exuberant even when they are alone. However, loneliness is a result of losing our all inclusive nature. When we become too much of an individual and remain self-absorbed, we feel disconnected from the rest of creation. This is what causes loneliness, wherein we feel lonely on a planet flooded with people.  

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