how can short term goals best lead towards accomplishing long term career goals?

How Can Short Term Goals Best Lead Towards Accomplishing Long Term Career Goals?

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how can short term goals best lead towards accomplishing long term career goals?

As we all know, goal-setting and having a well defined goal is often propagated. We are often advised to have a long-term goal, and divide it into several short-term goals in order to efficiently reach our goal. Because of this people often ask that how can short term goals best lead towards accomplishing long term career goals? Hence in this article we will understand that how short-term goals help us reach our long-term goals logically and scientifically.

The Belief game

Answering the question that how short term goals best can lead towards accomplishing long term career goals, we first need to understand the important belief factor. It is very true that without belief, we cannot reach our goal. For example, having over-ambitious goals always leaves a streak of doubt in our mind, which turns our mindset negative. However, if we divide our long-term goal into various short term goals, then they don’t only seem attainable, but also instills a belief in our mind that “yes I can” as we go on accomplishing goal after goal. It is rightly said that if we believe, then we are halfway there, and short-term goals help us solidify a strong belief within us. (Read: Trusting the process)

how can short term goals best lead towards accomplishing long term career goals?
Image Source: Wikimedia Commons

The motivation factor

For a minute, imagine standing at the base of a mountain, and knowing that you have to climb its peak. Just the thought of so much effort will definitely drain us out, isn’t it? However, if we focus on step after step, without giving much thought to the distance, then the journey becomes easy. Likewise, sometimes our long-term goals might intimidate us, and we might end up losing all our motivation. However, if we keep short attainable goals, then every accomplishment feels like victory, which keeps us engrossed and motivated. Therefore when someone asks that how can short term goals best lead towards accomplishing long term career goals, then the answer is that short term goals keep us motivated. (Read: High vibration person)

how can short term goals best lead towards accomplishing long term career goals?
The S.M.A.R.T goal approach

The S.M.A.R.T goal approach is a common concept in psychology which helps people to set efficient goals. It says that our goals should be (S) specific, (M) measurable, (A) attainable, (R) relevant, and (T) time-bound. When we apply the short-term goal approach to this, then our short-term goals should be specific, we should be able to measure our progress, they should be attainable, relevant, and time-bound. When we apply our short-term goal strategy to the S.M.A.R.T model, you will find yourself being productive, motivated, and inspired.


To conclude, it can be said that although long term goals sets our direction, but they are the many short term goals which help us move in that direction. Such a strategy helps us to be positive, motivated, and above all, solidifies our belief system. Therefore, it can be said that our long term goal can and should be ambitious, but our eyes should be on our short term goals, as they will help us realize our final goal.

We hope that your liked our article on how can short term goals best lead towards accomplishing long term career goals, and gained relevant information.


Short term goals help achieve long term goals because our long term goal is nothing but a collection of various small goals. If we keep our focus on those small goals, then that keeps us motivated, positive and inspired. This is because, our main goal requires us to cover a distance, and however, the distance is covered smoothly if we keep our fixated on the journey.

Short term goals are more important than long term goals. This is because; it is a collection of various short term goals which guides us towards our main goal. For example, if you want to become an athlete, then for that you will need good fitness, skill, positive mind, and performance in small tournaments. Hence focusing on these short term goals would not let you get intimated by your dream, but would keep you focused and grounded.

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