heart touching birthday wishes for girlfriend

Heart Touching Birthday Wishes For Girlfriend

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heart touching birthday wishes for girlfriend

This is for sure a fact that a girlfriend is someone, who is not just our friend, but also our source of strength, and most importantly, our love. She is someone with whom we share our sorrows that make our heart light, and also share our happiness, making our heart sparkle. Because one’s girlfriend is special, so shouldn’t her birthday also be special, and heart touching? Keeping this in mind, we have created several heart touching birthday wishes for girlfriend that you can use. These wishes are a perfect way to make her day special.

  • “Hey happy birthday, my love! You have no idea that how lucky I’m to have you. Stay blessed by love!”
  • “You are the one who makes my heart skip a beat—happy birthday, beautiful. I love you more every day.”
  • “Happy birthday, my sunshine! You light up my life in ways I never knew possible. I pray that you get everything in life that you desire” (Read: What is a rainbow kiss?)
heart touching birthday wishes for girlfriend
Image Source: Pexels

“You know that each day with you is a blessing, but today is extra extraordinary because it marks the day my life became full of light. Happy birthday, my beautiful soulmate.”

When it comes to heart touching birthday wishes for girlfriend, then this one stands out. This wish lays emphasis on the fact that her birthday is special, because your soulmate came to life on this day. Hence this wish conveys a message that because of her presence, your life truly becomes wonderful. Now isn’t this exciting? (Read: Loving birthday wishes for girlfriend)

heart touching birthday wishes for girlfriend
Image Source: Pexels

“I fall more in love with you every single day, and today, I want you to know just how much you mean to me. Happy birthday, my one and only.”

For a second just think that what your girl would feel, if she hears from you that you fall even more in love with her every passing day? Guess what, that certainly would bring a smile on her face, and this is what this birthday wish is all about. This wish is simple and short, but has the potential to make your girlfriend’s birthday even more special.

Image Source: Pexels
“Today, I celebrate not just your birthday but also the incredible person you are. You light up my life in ways I never imagined possible. Happy birthday, my love.”

Out of the many available heart touching birthday wishes for girlfriend, this one is simple but very meaningful. This wish is not just a wish, but also emphasizes on the fact that such wonderful person your girl is. A wish becomes extra special, when the person feels their importance in others life. (Read: What is selfless love?)

heart touching birthday wishes for girlfriend
Image Source: Pexels

Although birthday’s definitely are special, and we should ensure that our girl feels loved and cared on her special day. However, we should not forget that relationships demand love and care every day, and not just on special days. Therefore, your girl should feel your love not just on her birthday, but everyday.

We hope that you liked our collection of heart touching birthday wishes for girlfriend. Do use them, and make her day even more special.


To write a heart touching birthday wish for your girlfriend, do not use your logic or plan too much. Instead, let your heart talk and simply pen down what you feel for her. The more you would use your heart, the more authentic and true the wish would be.

There is not just one, but numerous ways through which you can melt your girl’s heart on her birthday.

  • Shopping: The world knows that girls worship shopping, and if you take her out to her preferred shopping place then that would positively score you some points.
  • Surprise Gift: A surprise gift, particularly something that she loves is definitely going to make her heart melt. This gesture makes the other person feel special, and loved.
  • Surprise Party: A surprise party is another great way to make her heart melt. Inviting over her favorite people with her favorite drinks and food would surely make her day.

Nonetheless we should remember that the best way to melt a girl’s heart is to love her unconditionally.

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