funny inspirational quotes

Funny Inspirational Quotes

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funny inspirational quotes

In this tough and competitive world, we always look for something to loosen up, like something funny or inspirational. Be it a movie, a show, a song: we always get hooked to something that brings a smile on our face, and hope in our hearts. We know that how tough life has become nowadays, wherein people have started to feel low, and hopeless. Keeping that in mind, we have created several funny inspirational quotes and short funny motivational quotes that will bring some laughs, and infinite hope.

  • “Dream big! Unless it involves fighting ninjas, then maybe dream medium.”
  • “Follow your passion! But first, make sure it’s not leading you to the fridge.”
  • “Stay positive! Even if your only exercise is running out of excuses.”
  • “Success is like a roller coaster. Hold on tight and try not to scream!”
  • “Be yourself. Unless you can be a unicorn. Then, be a unicorn.”
funny inspirational quotes
Image Source: Pexels

“The sky’s the limit! Unless you’re afraid of heights. Then, the ceiling is just fine.”

Out of the many funny inspirational quotes and short funny motivational quotes available on the net, this one is funny, and inspiring, both. Here one is being told that sky is the limit when it comes to our desires. This means that there is no end to what we could do with our lives. To add a funny twist to it, then the quote says that if one is afraid of heights, then ceiling too is fine. This is quote a short and sweet quote. (Read: Ayurveda health tips)

funny inspirational quotes
Image Source: Pexels

“Remember, the early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.”

Evidently, this funny inspirational quote motivates us to move at our pace with a funny twist. Like we know that in a mouse trap, the mouse gets trapped the moment he gets into the trap for cheese, and the second one gets to eat it without getting trapped. Likewise, we might feel that we are late in life, but mostly, it is for our good.

Image Source: Pexels
“Failure is not the opposite of success; it’s part of the recipe. Just don’t forget to add a pinch of humor.”

As we know that the internet is flooded with funny inspirational quotes and short funny motivational quotes, but this one is meaningful. In the race of life, we are all reminded that how important is success, and even during failure; we are again reminded of success. However, nobody tells us that happiness and laughter, just like failure, also are an important part of success. This is an important reminder that our main goal is happiness that success gets, so why not be happy always? (Read: Birthday wishes for daughter)

funny inspirational quotes
Image Source: Pexels

Life is unpredictable; sometimes it makes us happy, sometimes it gets us down on our knees. Sometime like becomes funny, sometimes sad, sometimes inspirational, and sometimes not very motivating. However, life keeps moving, and just like a bicycle, we too should keep moving to ensure a good balance.

We hope that you liked our collection of funny inspirational quotes and short funny motivational quotes. Do share them with your friends and family, and bring a smile on their face!


Here are 5 funny quotes:

  • “Believe in yourself! Unless you’re trying to convince yourself you can juggle chainsaws.”
  • “Life is short. Smile while you still have teeth.”
  • “Don’t worry about the world ending today. It’s already tomorrow in Australia.”
  • “If at first you don’t succeed, then skydiving definitely isn’t for you.”
  • “You miss 100% of the naps you don’t take.”

Here are some cool quotes:

  • “Life’s a canvas, and you’re the artist. Paint it bold and bright.”
  • “Live in the moment, because that’s where life truly happens.”
  • “Adventure is the heartbeat of life; follow its rhythm.”
  • “Life is like a camera—focus on the good times, develop from the negatives, and if things don’t work out, take another shot.”
  • “Be a voice, not an echo; make your life resonate.”

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