fate vs free will

Fate vs Free Will

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Fate vs Free Will

Fate vs free will, a timeless debate that has puzzled philosophers, thinkers, and individuals throughout history. Is our life determined by an external force, or do we have the authority to form our destiny? The answer to this longstanding problem may lie in a viewpoint shift. Fate, in reality, doesn’t exist, but is the consequence of our past actions.

The Forgotten Actions

As humans, we often find ourselves questioning our existence and the path we tread. This existential curiosity arises from a fundamental paradox. We obviously don’t have a conscious recollection of the proceedings that have led us to our current state. This lack of awareness of our past actions gives rise to the feeling that some unidentified force is controlling us.

Fate as Memory Bundles

In truth, debating between fate vs free will, what we perceive as fate can be more accurately described as bundles of information. These bundles are stored in the intricate web of our DNA, genes, conscious and subconscious memory. This memory govern our physical and psychological personalities. Often termed as habits, these memory patterns function as the software that dictates every aspect of our lives. For example, out of hundreds of people, you can easily identify your friend, walking at a distance. Why? Because of the distinct way of walking, which obviously, is controlled by the software. (Read: God that destroys everything)

fate vs free will
Image Source: Wikimedia Commons
The Essence of Identity

In the space of fate vs free will, it is these memory patterns that shape our identity. Imagine attempting to introduce yourself without referring to any information stored within your mind. You will quickly realize that your identity is intrinsically linked to these memory patterns. Without them, we would be unable to define ourselves.

The Puppet of Fate

However, a paradox arises when we identify ourselves solely with this information. In doing so, we become puppets, believing that fate controls our every move. It’s all too easy to attribute the events of our lives to external forces, absolving ourselves of responsibility. When you become information, be sure that you have lost your free will. We become trapped in confusion of fate vs free will. (Read: The art of letting go)

fate vs free will
Image Source: Wikimedia Commons
The Path to Freedom

True freedom lies in disidentifying from these memory patterns. It is in this act of liberation that we encounter an unsullied intelligence known as consciousness. This consciousness exists beyond the constraints of memory and opens the door to genuine free will. When we transcend our past actions, we break free from the illusion of fate. This dis-identification also ends the confusion betwen fate vs free will.

From Creation to Creator

To become the creator of our destiny, we must undergo a death: the death of the “I” bound by information. By shedding the limitations of memory-bound identity, we embrace a new, expansive sense of self. In this journey from creation to creator, we unlock the potential for genuine free will.

In essence, the concept of fate vs free will is not a battle between external forces and individual agency. But rather a struggle within the realm of our own consciousness. Our past actions, hidden in the depths of subconscious memory, form the root of what we call as fate. These memory patterns are so deeply embedded in our lives that they define our very sense of self.

Fate, nevertheless, is not a stiff, unalterable force, it is fluidic. It is malleable, evolving with our choices and actions in the present. Our destiny is not a predetermined script but a living narrative that we continually shape. The illusion of fate arises when we are bound by our past actions and memory patterns. This leads us to suppose that our life is directed by unknown forces.

But we can break free from this illusion. We possess the power to disidentify from the memory-bound “I” and connect with a higher state of consciousness. In this state, we transcend the limitations of past actions and embrace a genuine sense of free will. We become the architects of our destiny, the creators of our own life story.

It is important to recognize that free will does not mean denying the influence of memory patterns. Instead, it means recognizing them and choosing how to interrelate with them. This self-awareness is the key to unlocking the door to freedom from our past, and gaining control. (Read: How to make a relationship work?)

fate vs free will
Image Source: Wikimedia Commons

In conclusion, the debate of fate vs free will is not a battle between forces, but a journey within ourselves. Fate, in reality, is a construct born from our past actions and memory patterns. However, it is not an unchangeable force. When we disidentify from these patterns and connect with our consciousness, we become the creators of our destiny. It’s the path from becoming a creation to a creator, achieved through the death of the “I” bound by information.


It is very clearly established that our life is our karma, which means that our life is our making. However, to attain freedom, we must transition from the compulsive dimension of mind-body to a conscious one. When we disconnect from our mind-body, we become pure consciousness. This is where we get our real freedom.

Free will is not something that we create, but it exists always. However, to get our free will, we must be willing to do a lot of inner work. Free will only comes to us when we drop the dimension that controls us like a puppet, namely our mind. When we dis-identify from the mind, then we operate from a powerful space where we regain our free will.

If our thoughts are being controlled by past information, then obviously in such a case we have no freedom. However, if you reach a state of nothingness within, then we get the power to choose our thoughts. Reaching a nothingness state is the one and only pre-requisite to regain our freedom of thought.

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