Category: Mind And Beyond

  • High Vibration Person

    High Vibration Person

    High Vibration Person: Become That No-Person As said by famous Indian mystic, Sadhguru: “Modern science proves that whole existence is just a vibration,” shows that we indeed, live in a vibrating world. If we notice small things in our lives, we can actually live this scientific fact. For example, we do get vibes from a…

  • 1111 Angel Number Meaning

    1111 Angel Number Meaning

    1111 Angel Number Meaning: Being A Miracle The answer is 42 is a famous number for curious topics like the universe, its origin, and so on. Although this statement comes from a science-fiction book, we cannot ignore the importance of numbers in our world. Scientists around the globe, use various mathematical calculations to uncover the…

  • Good Morning Quotes

    Good Morning Quotes

    Good Morning Quotes And Their Application Sending people good morning quotes is one thing, but do we ourselves truly have a good morning? Or do those quotes really have an impact on us? For many of us, our morning starts with our mind getting haywire, thinking about the entire days work. While for people going…

  • 69 Meaning In Life

    69 Meaning In Life

    69 Meaning In Life and what does 69 mean spiritually As we all know, numbers form an important part of our life, including time. Our time of birth, our date of birth, and such numbers, has said to have a major impact on our life. Along with that, there are various numbers that have started…

  • Buddha Purnima

    Buddha Purnima

    How Buddha Purnima Can Change Our Life As we all know, Buddha Purnima is a very vital day in Buddhism. Buddha Purnima is essential, because it is the day Gautama Buddha was born and also got enlightened after few years on the same day. Out of the general population, rarely comes out a being, which…

  • Positive Krishna Quotes On Life

    Positive Krishna Quotes On Life

    positive krishna quotes on life Nowadays the life of people has become very stressful and full of tension. We are surrounded by negativity from everywhere. Whether it is our personal life or general world affairs, we get to see negative everywhere.  People try to look for positive things wherever they can.  When we talk about…

  • Surya Namaskar

    Surya Namaskar

    the magic of surya namaskar Surya Namaskar is one of the paramount and most common asana in yoga. It is even said that, if one just does this asana perfectly, then that is quite enough. This is so, because, this asana in itself is a combination of 12 asanas. This means, just through this one…

  • Positive Thinking Bhagavad Gita Quotes

    Positive Thinking Bhagavad Gita Quotes

    positive thinking Bhagavad Gita quotes: Bhagavad Gita Quotes Bhagavad Gita is an ancient Indian text, primarily guiding Individuals towards Mukti. It is not only filled with positive thinking quotes, but also, much more than that. The sacred text has the answer to every human problem, be it physical, psychological, or spiritual. It is said that…

  • Ego Death

    Ego Death

    Ego Death: The Real Meaning In the world of spirituality, metaphysics, and mysticism, ego death is a very talked about thing. People often believe that, the death of ego, is the gateway to the mystical, and god. A lot of effort is put in by aspirants, to kill their ego, however, nothing happens. Unfortunately, we…

  • Bhramari Pranayama

    Bhramari Pranayama

    Bhramari Pranayama: Technique And Science Pranayama is the heart of yoga, and has gained much popularity nowadays as people are getting more aware. Pranayama is comprised of two terms, Prana, and Yama. Where Prana means life force and Yama means control. Therefore, Pranayama is the control of life force, through breathing techniques. Out of all…