chase your dreams

Chase Your Dreams

chase your dreams vs chase reality In a world inundated with motivational slogans urging us…
chakra meditation

Chakra Meditation

Chakra Meditation In the realm of meditation, actions often masquerade as contemplation, leaving genuine practice…
Buddha purnima

Buddha Purnima

How Buddha Purnima Can Change Our Life As we all know, Buddha Purnima is a…
brahma muhurta time

Brahma Muhurta Time

Brahma muhurta time: Moment Of Magic The Brahma muhurta time, the time between 3:30 and…
books on death

Books On Death

Books On Death When we talk about books on death, Don’t Live But Die Well…
bhramari pranayama

Bhramari Pranayama

Bhramari Pranayama: Technique And Science Pranayama is the heart of yoga, and has gained much…
be yourself there's no one better

Be Yourself There’s No One Better

be yourself there’s no one better hoax! In a world that preaches, “be yourself there’s…
69 meaning in life

69 Meaning In Life

69 Meaning In Life and what does 69 mean spiritually As we all know, numbers…
5 min morning meditation

5 Min Morning Meditation

5 Min Morning Meditation The 5 min morning meditation is a potent way to jumpstart…