shiva third eye

Shiva Third Eye

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shiva third eye: self-destruction

The enigmatic concept of the Shiva third eye has captivated spiritual seekers and enthusiasts alike. People often discuss the idea of opening our third eye, but what does it truly signify? In this exploration, we delve into the true meaning meanings embedded in the lore of Shiva third eye.

Shiva, a central figure in Hinduism, is often depicted with three eyes. Legend has it that Shiva opened his third eye, unleashing a destructive force that incinerated everything in its path. While many interpret this literally, from both an evolutionary and spiritual standpoint, it means something else.

From Duality To Singularity

The term “Shiva” itself means “nothingness.” With his two eyes, Shiva perceived the world, embracing its dualities. However, the opening of the third eye signals the destruction of this world. It’s not a mere act of devastation but a symbolic transcendence beyond the illusions of the material realm. Shiva third eye, is a medium of going beyond. 

In essence, when we fall asleep, the world ceases to exist for us—a temporary escape from reality. Yet, by consciously closing our eyes while awake, we disconnect from the illusions of Maya and witness reality of nothingness. Shiva’s third eye beckons us to explore this dimension beyond the confines of our physical senses. (Read more about from physcality,to spirituality)

shiva third eye
Image Source: Wikimedia Commons

From Two, To One

The physical world thrives on duality, such as ups and downs, cold and heat, night and day. Our very bodies reflect this duality, from two eyes and ears to two nostrils. To comprehend Shiva’s third eye, we must first acknowledge the dual nature inherent in our existence. Only when we transcend the “two,” we experience the “one.”

Closing our two eyes without the intrusion of thoughts leads us to a state of intense vacuum. This meditative emptiness becomes a gateway, allowing the third eye to open. In this moment, we transcend the limitations of the dual physical world, experiencing a profound dimension that transcends the mundane. Shiva third eye, is this vacuum, which destroys the “I” thought! (Read: Science of Mahashivratri)

Self Destruction

Shutting down our senses and embracing the void within, we dissolve the illusions of duality. The third eye serves as a portal to a reality untouched by the fluctuations of the material world. It is not destruction in the conventional sense but a shedding the layers that veil our perception of ultimate truth.

Deep within each of us lies a dormant Shiva—an untapped dimension that can only be accessed by shedding our physical dimensions. Which only includes the persistent thought of “I.” We don’t need to give up the world, but just ourselves, as the world is also experience from our senses. As we release our attachment to the egoic self, we open ourselves to the vastness of nothingness. (Read about real meditation)

shiva third eye
Beyond Maya

The requires a conscious effort to silence the mind and transcend the boundaries of the physical realm. It demands an understanding that the world, as perceived by our senses, is but a fleeting illusion. By tapping into the dimension beyond duality, we unravel the mysteries of Shiva’s third eye within ourselves.

In conclusion, the Shiva third eye symbolizes a journey towards nothingness—a state beyond the dualities of the physical world. By consciously closing our two eyes, we unlock the gateway to a reality untouched by the illusions of Maya. Each of us harbors the potential to access our inner Shiva, but it requires a destruction of “I.”

shiva third eye
Image Source: Wikimedia Commons

The third eye of Shiva means gaining an ability to perceive the non-physical dimension. As we know that our physical eyes can only see objects that stop light, however, our third eye enables us to see the non-physical.

Opening of lord Shiva’s third eye is mainly connected with destruction. However, this in reality means gaining an ability to see a non-physical dimension. When we completely disconnect from the world that creates a void within which in turn opens our third eye. In that space, we see the creator behind the creation. Therefore, when the third eye opens, we see existence beyond the physical.

Third eye cannot be opened but is a natural consequence of closing our two eyes the right way. On closing our eyes, we should completely disconnect from the world and enter a state of nothingness. In that space of nothingness, the third eye opens.

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