school small thoughts in hindi and english

School Small Thoughts In Hindi And English

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School small thoughts in Hindi and English

School is the place, where our real life gets a small start. However, we do not face life in school, but do face a small part of it, and get prepared for it. School is the place where we can prepare for life in an enjoyable way, and learn as much as we can. Regardless of how enjoyable school becomes, but pressure starts catching up as we move to senior classes. The pressure of scoring marks and other small thoughts, start bothering. Therefore, in this article we are going to present to you some school small thoughts in Hindi and English, and how these thoughts could help you. So let us begin.

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“Education is the key to unlock the golden door of freedom.”

People often confuse happiness with money. We say that it is money that buys us happiness, but that is wrong. Money actually buys us freedom to do what we want, and that gives us happiness. However, to earn money and afford a decent life, education becomes a must. Without education, we cannot become the master of any field, or we can make a career. Therefore this quote, education is the key to unlock the golden door of freedom, reminds us that for earning freedom we must devote ourselves to education. Although this school small thought is in English, here is the same school small thought in Hindi. Now let us explore some more school small thoughts in Hindi and English. (Read: Positive Abdul Kalam quotes)

school small thoughts in hindi and english
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“Stars can’t shine without darkness.”

This school small thought, teaches us the value of dark and tough phases. How true it is, that it is darkness and tough times that add value to our life. This is because; we would not recognize success, if failure did not exist. It is darkness and challenging times that not only add value to life, but also are necessary for our success. This school small thought is very important for students, as it helps to understand failure better. Like before, this school small thought is explained in English, so here is this school small thought in Hindi. Let us explore another school small thought in Hindi and English. (Read: Motivation for success)

school small thoughts in hindi and english
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“Mountains stand tall, bearing witness to time’s passage.”

This school small thought, teaches us the value of equanimity. For example, a mountain just sees time passing by, but remains still and unaffected. Likewise, in our life time keeps flowing and changing, sometimes it is favorable, sometimes not. However, we should be a like a mountain, undisturbed by our situations. This skill helps us to remain calm, and find solutions during challenging situations. (Read: Lord Krishna tips on life)

school small thoughts in hindi and english
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These school small thoughts in Hindi and English, can be a guide for students, and prepare them for the fight of life. We should never forget that life is full of ups and downs, and schools are a perfect place for establishing a foundation for creating strong individuals. It is only tough times, that separate successful individuals from average ones, hence students should be taught to perceive challenges as opportunities.

We hope that you liked out article, school small thoughts in Hindi and English, and gained important information.   

  • “Education is the key to unlock the golden door of freedom.”
  • “Stars can’t shine without darkness.”
  • “Mountains stand tall, bearing witness to time’s passage.”

Here are some best quotes for school:

  • “Education is the key to unlock the golden door of freedom.”
  • “Stars can’t shine without darkness.”
  • “Mountains stand tall, bearing witness to time’s passage.”

School life is considered to be the best because of various reasons. In school, there is no pressure on individuals to fight the society or life’s situations. School is seen as a platform where one gets prepared for life, can experiment, and then can make informed decisions.

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