5 min morning meditation

5 Min Morning Meditation

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5 Min Morning Meditation

The 5 min morning meditation is a potent way to jumpstart your day. By investing five minutes in this practice, you can pave the way for increased energy, heightened focus, and enhanced receptivity.

True Meditation

In todays busy world we try to figure out that how one can do meditation in 5 min. For many, the term “meditation” conjures an image of sitting with closed eyes. However, meditation transcends this stereotype. It’s not merely an activity; it’s a state achieved by mastering the art of non-doing. We can be in that state 24×7, then we do not do 5 min morning meditation, but turn meditative.

Most people associate inner activity with intelligence, making it challenging to let go. True meditation starts when we cease all activity, immersing ourselves in the realm of nothingness. This is the space where the magic of meditation unfolds.

5 min morning meditation
Image Source: Wikimedia Commons

To delve into meditation, first learn that how your personality hinders meditativeness (Read here). Then follow the following simple steps for doing the 5 min morning meditation:

1.Sit Upright with Eyes Closed: Position yourself comfortably, closing your eyes to shut out external distractions. This sets the stage for turning inward.

2. Reflect on the Limitations of the “I” Thought: Acknowledge the constraints of the “I” thought, which often operates with compulsiveness. Recognizing this limitation is crucial for breaking free from mental constraints.

3. Visualize a Light in Your Chest Area: Direct your focus to the chest region, visualizing a radiant light. This light signifies the soul trapped in the compulsive dimensions of thought, emphasizing the need for liberation.

4. Surrender to the Soul’s Love Energy: Release control and surrender to the love energy emanating from your soul. Permit it to navigate your mind and body, liberating you from the shackles of compulsive thoughts. (Read about Shiva third eye)

Make A Daily Practice

By incorporating these steps into your daily routine, you can repeat the process multiple times a day. With consistent practice, you’ll notice the emergence of your identity as a soul, a transformative journey toward self-discovery.

The essence of 5 min morning meditation lies in transcending the limitations of routine practices. It’s about breaking free from the confinement of daily tasks and entering a realm of serenity and introspection. These five minutes serve as a sanctuary for your mind, fostering a connection with your inner self.

The Logic

As you sit upright, eyes closed, you initiate a dialogue with your subconscious. Acknowledging the constraints of the “I” thought is pivotal. It is within this acknowledgment that the journey to liberation begins, paving the way for a profound meditation experience.

Visualizing the light in your chest area symbolizes the soul’s struggle against compulsive dimensions. This mental imagery serves as a powerful reminder of the need to surrender to the soul’s love energy. Allowing this energy to guide your mind and body creates a harmonious balance, transcending the confines of the ego-driven self.

Repeating these steps throughout the day solidifies the practice, gradually unveiling the soul’s identity. In the state of surrender, the soul’s grows, overshadowing the compulsive nature of thought. (Read: True Spirituality)

Image Source: Wikimedia Commons

The 5 min morning meditation is not just a routine; it’s a magical journey toward self-awareness. By embracing the stillness, and surrendering to the soul’s love energy, you unlock the door to a realm of self-discovery. Practice daily, and see as your identity as a soul blossoms, bringing high energy, focus, and receptivity to your daily life.


We should understand that meditation is not an activity that we do, but a state that we reach when we master the art of “not doing.” This means, if we can maintain a sleep like thoughtless state without losing our awareness, then we do not meditative, but become meditative.

Follow these steps to begin your 5 minutes of meditation:

  • Sit Upright with Eyes Closed: Position yourself comfortably, closing your eyes to shut out external distractions. This sets the stage for turning inward.
  • Reflect on the Limitations of the “I” Thought: Acknowledge the constraints of the “I” thought, which often operates with compulsiveness. Recognizing this limitation is crucial for breaking free from mental constraints.
  • Visualize a Light in Your Chest Area: Direct your focus to the chest region, visualizing a radiant light. This light signifies the soul trapped in the compulsive dimensions of thought, emphasizing the need for liberation.
  • Surrender to the Soul’s Love Energy: Release control and surrender to the love energy emanating from your soul. Permit it to navigate your mind and body, liberating you from the shackles of compulsive thoughts.

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